and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
A gramophone programme
Exercises for younger men (7.30) and older women (7.40)
A thought for today
and summary of today's Home
Service programmes
Conducted by Gideon Fagan
at the theatre organ
In the shade of the aspidistra (medley)
A talk by Lynn Doyle
from p. 13 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 26 of ' Each Returning Day '
(Caneuon Cymru) sung by Watcyn Watcyns (bass-baritone)
11.0 Music and movement for infants
Ann Driver
11.20 Senior English
' Poems about animals '—
L. A. G. Strong
11.35 Interlude
11.40 Talks for sixth forms
Foreign Affairs: America '
Sir Frederick Whyte , K.C.S.I.
Gramophone records of a year or two ago
by E. H. Emery
and his Orchestra with Megan Thomas (soprano) and Herbert Thorpe (tenor)
2.0 Travel talks: In the Anglo-
Egyptian Sudan '-Miki Abbas
2.15 Interlude
2.20 ' If you were French
A feature programme by Julia Goodey
2.40 I ysgolion Cymru
(For Welsh Schools)
Hanes Cymru. Rheilffordd trwy Ganolbarth Cymru gan Isobel
with Anne Lenner and Gerry Fitzgerald
George Mantle-Childe (piano)
Etude romantique. Danse créole.
Pierrette (Air de Ballet). Nocturne. Pas des Amphores (Air de Ballet). Toccata
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
A leisurely programme in praise of the art of angling arranged by David Scott Daniell and Godfrey Baseley , with David Compton , Lester Mudditt , Stuart Vinden , Godfrey Baseleyi Dorothy English and Dorothy Summers , and introducing Avery S. Hancox , Beryl Dickens and T. A. Waterhouse (President of the National
Federation of Anglers)
Produced by Robin Whitworth
Ymddiddan gan Emyr Gwynne Jones
(A talk in Welsh)
' Toytown', by S. G. Hulme-Beaman : ' The Cruise of the Toytown Belle'
—Part 2 and some gramophone records
playing his own compositions
Listeners who remember the infant days of broadcasting at Marconi House will welcome to the microphone this evening the man who made his name then as ' Uncle Ragtime ' and afterwards achieved phenomenal success-not only as the composer of Julian Wylie 's Nippy and the Laddie Cliff-Stanley Lupino shows Love Lies, Sporting Love, and Over She Goes, but as pianist, one of the best-known teachers in the country, conductor, and theatrical manager.
Orchestra conducted by Ian Whyte
National and Regional, followed at
7.20 by Scottish and Northern Ireland
A break for Barker
An inexpensive production in the basement of the BBC to exploit the genius of Eric Barker , assisted by Eric Woodburn , Wendy Kaye , Eileen Vaughan , the Revue Chorus and the Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum. Under the distinguished patronage of Burgomaster Bridgmont
by Philip Wade
Production by Howard Rose
Philip Wade, besides being well known as a versatile radio character actor, has long been one of the most consistently successful of those who write plays directly for the medium of the microphone.
Wedding Group first broadcast in 1935 is a typical Wade play-simple, sentimental, entertaining, moving,
There is a human story behind every one of those quaint old photographs in the family album. This one takes the listener back to the days of the American War, to meet a bunch of ordinary and delightfully real people whose affairs are caught up by the sweep of destiny.
Fox British made a film Wedding Group in 1936.
a talk by ' Onlooker '
Ladies' Night
The BBC Men's Chorus
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
Ernest Lush at the piano
Henry Cummings (baritone)
The guests will be represented by Elizabeth Cowell
A concert party presented by Will Catlin and Harry Bright , with Freddie Foss , Kitty Prince,
Harry Turner , Jack Rickards , Jessica Mer ton, Terry Britten , Sydney Snape
Produced by Harry Bright
played by the Reginald Paul Piano Quartet - George Stratton (violin), Jean Stewart (viola), John Moore (cello), Reginald Paul (piano)
and his Orchestra with Anne Lenner and Gerry Fitzgerald
A short story written for broadcasting by A. E. Claydon and read by the author