and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
7.30 Physical exercises for younger women
7.40 Physical exercises for older men
7.50 am Interlude
A thought for today
and summary of today's Home
Service programmes
Conductor, Charles Telfer
March: With sword and lance Starke Selection: Faust
Gounod, arr. Shipley Douglas
Patrol: With kilt and sporran Sutton Waltz: The choristers Phelps March: On the quarter deck.....Alford
sung by Lilian Cooper (soprano) and Frederick Seddon (baritone) DUETSLILIAN COOPER DUET FREDERICK SEDDON DUET
Popular tunes from the musical screen on gramophone records
Selection of old English melodies
Lane Wilson , arr. Hely-Hutchinson
from page 77 of ' New Every Morning '
' Devonshire dishes '
Arthur Applin
11.0 Physical training (Ages 9-12)
(for use in halls)
Edith Dowling
11.20 Interlude
11.25 Junior English (Ages 9-12)
Games with words, arranged by Douglas R. Allan
For some time now listening children in schools have been contributing to these word games by making their own anthologies of poems and prose and asking the broadcasters to read them at the microphone. Close collaboration with listener and broadcaster in fact is the keynote of the broadcasts. Helen, Douglas, and Duncan, while they are really teaching listeners about adjectives, nouns, synonyms, and so on, are careful to turn the whole thing into a game.
11.40 Talks for fifth forms
(Ages 15 and over)
' Science and the community'
Planned by J. A. Lauwerys
' The distillation of coal:
William Murdoch '
J. A. Lauwerys
at the organ of the Gaumont State,
Kilburn, London
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Norwegian rhapsody No. 2, in A
Opening ceremony from the Assembly Hall, Edinburgh
Although this year it will be robbed by the war of much of its traditional pomp and ceremony, the General Assembly will remain the outstanding event in the calendar of the Kirk of Scotland. Today the King sends the Lord High Commissioner as his representative to be treated as though he were His Majesty himself.
The ceremony includes the election of a new Moderator to lead the Church during the forthcoming year, the reading of the King's letter to the Assembly, and an address by the new Moderator-this year the Rev. Dr. J. R. Forgan of Trinity Church, Ayr.
A short selection of the melodies of Hoagy Carmichael arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC Theatre Organ
2.0 For rural schools (Ages 9-15)
The food of Britain: ' Fruits in their season '—John R. Allan
2.20 For under-sevens
' Let's join in! ' with Ann Driver and Jean Sutcliffe
2.35 Senior English (Ages 11-15)
Good writing. Dramatic biography:
' Shakespeare ', by Stephen Potter
A revival of the celebrated pathetic drama by a cast of ladies and gentlemen who have performed this play in all parts of England and the Principality
The play cut and very slightly adapted by Donald Wells and Wally Thomas. Produced by Elwyn Evans
from York Minster
Order of Service
Organ voluntary Responses Psalm xcix
First Lesson
Magnificat (Garrett, in D) Second Lesson
Nunc Dimittis (Garrett, in D)
Anthem: Our Father in the heavens
Hymn: Three in one, and one in three (E.H. 501)
by The Hon. Vincent Massey ,
High Commissioner for Canada and Major-Gen, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Athlone, K.G.,
Governor-General Designate of the Dominion as recorded at the Canada Club Luncheon at the Savoy Hotel,
ynghyd a Sgwrs ar Bwnc y Dydd
(News and a topical talk in Welsh)
(The Children's Hour)
' Plant Buddugol'
Yr ocdd Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn y Rhyl ddydd Gwener a dydd Sadwrn diwethaf, a heddiw fe geir gwrando ar rai o'r plant a enillodd. Bydd Sam yn eu cyflwyno i chwi.
' The Good Gifts'
A fantastic play by Kitty Murphy based on an old story
Those taking part: Theodora Dolan, Nan McGuigan , W. R. Gordon , James Boyce , James Stewart ,
Michael Mainwaring , and J. G. Devlin
A weekly commentary on French affairs
'The rôle of the Senate in French politics in peace and war'
Jacques Bardoux
Eleventh Edition
Presented by Bill MacLurg
A weekly programme introducing famous detectives of fact and fiction
1-' Barton of the Yard '
Presenting Ex - Detective - Inspector Jack Henry , late of New Scotland
Yard, in ' On Information Received '
Written by Jack Henry and Patrick K. Heale
2—'Who Broke the Law ? '
A series, written by Charles Hatton , showing how easy it is for the man in the street to break the law quite unknowingly. Listen carefully and See if you can discover the way in which the law is broken
3-' Stop Press'
4—' Meet the Arrow '
A series of detective adventures written by Ernest Dudley
Production by Bill MacLurg
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conducted by Eric Warr
A tragedy of Nazi Germany
Arranged for broadcasting by Peter Stucley from the book by Kressmann Taylor
The story opens at the end of 1932, three months before Hitler came into power
Production by Francis Dillon
This is the second time that this bitter indictment of Nazi Germany has been broadcast. It tells the story of how a Jew and a German in business partnership in America become parted when the German, infused with Nazi ideals, returns to his Fatherland. Jewish persecution figures in the play, the whole theme of which is the revenge of Max Eisenstein on his erstwhile friend.
Meinhart Maur , who played Eisenstein on the previous occasion, was one of the leading theatrical figures in Germany before he left to come to this country. He was closely associated with Max Reinhardt , and was known by reason of his brilliant character-acting as the ' man with a hundred faces '.
He was one of the leading Shakespearean actors in Berlin, in addition to which he played in Chekov and Ibsen and was a well-known figure on the Berlin radio. One of his specialities in German broadcasting was poetry-reading.
Since coming to Britain, Maur has appeared both on the stage and in films, where he has played many character parts and may be remembered for his performance in Korda's Rembrandt and more recently as the mulatto in Dr. Syn. In addition to his last broadcast in Address Unknown he has appeared in television, where he played in The Man with the Bowler Hat.
Reopened under the management of Dicky Hassett with Arthur Chesney
Frederick Burtwell
Vera Lynn
Dick Francis
The Phoney Islanders, directed by Billy Ternent
The show written by Ted Kavanagh
Produced by Francis Worsley
(A recording of this programme will be broadcast to the Forces next
Sunday at 1.15)
W. Macmahon Ball , from Australia
(a recording)
French theatrical memories
The BBC Theatre Chorus (trained by Charles Groves)
The BBC Theatre Orchestra
The pot-pourri of hits from famous English musical shows is well established as a popular broadcasting item. Little, so far, however, has been heard of the theatre music of France, to which the whole of tonight's programme will be devoted.
Some French theatre composers, such as Offenbach, Messager, Lecocq, and Planquette are well known over here, but it is not only with these that the programme will be concerned. The operettas of Renaldo Hahn , for example, are little known over here. Likewise those of Louis Ganne. These two composers have reputations in this country as a song-writer and an orchestral composer respectively. The songs, by the way, will all be sung in English.
A short act of worship
and The song of the nightingale broadcast from a Surrey wood
Act 4 of Verdi's opera
From the Teatro Comunale Vittorio
Emanuele II, Florence
Conductor, Mario Rossi with Mafaldo Favero as Violetta
Beniamino Gigli as Alfredo
Alessandro Sved as Germont
on gramophone records