and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Popular tunes from the musical screen, on gramophone records
7.30 Physical exercises for younger women
7.40 Physical exercises for older men
7.50 am Interlude
A thought for today
and summary of today's Home Service programmes
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Alexander Carmichael (baritone)
A talk by Denis Ireland
Recent recordings of popular hits
from page 29 of 'New Every Morning'
Leader, Reginald Whitehouse Conductor, Thomas Matthews from the Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
A short story written for broadcasting by Walter Brierley and read by Godfrey Easeley
at the organ of the Royal Cinema,
Gwen Catley (soprano)
Gordon Walker (flute)
This time Shakespeare W. Acker miraculous (Jacques Brown ) and his secretary (Gladys Merredew ) interview
Robert Ashley and Anne Lenner
Aided and abetted by the Revue
Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Production by Tom Ronald
Mrs. Charles West
Here is a new speaker who is welcome in this series, for she is introducing a valuable new subject. Twelve years ago Mrs. Charles West, who had a three-acre field on which she had built her cottage, happened to buy a cow. A bowl of cream has appeared with the porridge on her family's breakfast table ever since.
She will describe how she has extended both stock and acreage, by keeping on calves she has bred and buying adjoining land; how she has resold some of her land and now keeps six animals on nineteen acres, divided into four fields.
Alec Rowley and Edgar Moy
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
An excerpt from Prince Littler's production
English book and lyrics by Harry Graham. Music by Ralph Benatsky and Robert Stolz
The cast includes :
Nita Croft , Derek Oldham , Gordon Little , Nancy Burne , Eddie Childs , Mary Lawson , Hal Bryan , Maria Drozdzynska , Alfred Hearne , Phil Lester , Charles Murray , Isobel Mar-den, William Matthews , William Norman , Raymond Ellis ,
Henry Weste ' ! The Coliseum Orchestra, under the direction of Tom Lewis
Produced by Frank C. Marshall
From the London Coliseum
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conducted by Gordon Thorne
Tea-time tunes and tattle with Patricia Leonard , Emmie Joyce , Edward Cooper , and Lew Stone and his Band
Presented by Reginald Smith
ynghyd a gair am ' Yr Wythnos yng
Nghymru' gan E. Morgan Humphreys
(News and topical talk in Welsh)
Hanes y Neges Heddwch flynyddol a anfonwyd i'r byd gan Blant Cymru ers 1922
Y Parch. Gwilym Davies
(' Goodwill Day')
Songs with the harp — Beatrice Botterill will play and Mair will sing followed by a play for Goodwill Day, ' The Enchanted Harp ', by Beryl M. Jones
A recorded story of what has been happening on the Western Front
Recorded in France by the BBC
News Observers
Questions which are puzzling listeners in these difficult times have been discussed each fortnight in this series of talks, which comes to an end tonight
The speaker will be Herbert Hodge
For the seventh season and two hundred and eleventh time we silence the roar of London, and from its great crowds we bring to the microphone some of the interesting people who are
'IN TOWN TONIGHT' introducing .
Personalities from every walk of life in interviews with Lionel Gamlin and Joan Miller-the Picture Page Girl
Flashes from the News of the Week
Edited and produced by C. F. Meehan
(Section B)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Frank Titterton (tenor)
with Tommy Handley
Jack Train
Maurice Denham
June Malo
Johnny Lockwood
Syd Crossley
Fela Sowande and 'Funf'
From the Palace Theatre, Manchester
How does ' Itma ' work out ' on the road'? If you have not seen the version that is now touring the halls, you will have a chance to find out now, at the same time meeting once again those old and uproarious friends of earlier days of wartime broadcasting.
Once again the inimitable Tommy will head his colony of twirps interrupted as usual by the ever- persistent Funf. It made rousing listening before, and will certainly do so again.
Raymond Gram Swing
(From America)
' Round Britain '
A musical journey described by H. V. Morton with John Tainsh
Watcyn Watcyns
Henry Cummings and The BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Arranged by Gwen Williams and George Lestrange
Evening prayers
A light comedy in one act by Noel Coward
Production by John Cheatle
This gay little comedy in the very best Noel Coward manner is included, with works by twenty-four other famous authors, in a St. Bartholomew's Hospital Gift Book entitled 'Rose Window The book rights of Star Chamber were given by Noel Coward to St. Bartholomew's. At his own request the broadcasting fees are to be shared between the Rebuilding Fund of the Hospital and the Actors' Orphanage of which he is president.
Star Chamber is delightfully effervescent, and few should fail to laugh at the casual feckless chatter of Xenia James, president of a fund for destitute actresses, as she presides with her dog Atherton over a meeting of the committee.