and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
on gramophone records
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Alfred Hertz
Aubade, and Navarraise (Ballet music: Le Cid)
Ninon Vallin (soprano)
Elegy ; Enchantment
Boston Promenade Orchestra
Conducted by Arthur Fiedler
Meditation (Thais)
Giovanni Malipiero (tenor)
The dream (Manon)
London Palladium Orchestra Conducted by Richard Crean
Angelus, and Gypsy revels (Scenes pittoresques)
Conductor, Gregor J. Grant
and summary of today's Home
Service programmes
from St. Mary's Parish Church,
Order of Service
Organ Voluntary
Metrical Psalm cxlviii, second version: The Lord of Heaven confess (Tune, Darwell) (S.P. 657)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Lesson: St. John xiv, 1-16
Hymn: Father of heaven, whose love profound (Rv. C.H. 5 ; A. and M. 164)
Hymn: Lord of our life, and God of our salvation (Rv. C.H. 216 ; S.P. 349)
Address by the Right
Rev. Archibald Main , D.D., D.Litt., Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Hymn: Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! (Rv. C.H. 369)
Organist, Marshall M. Gilchrist
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conducted by Kemlo Stephen
Hamilton Snowball
A programme of music of the sea, including MacDowell's piano suite
' Sea Pieces '
Winifred Davey (piano)
The BBC West of England Singers
Conductor, Joseph Jenkins
The story of the Viennese waltz told by Mosco Carner , with the aid of some gramophone records
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Sonata for violin and piano in G played by Frederick Grinke (violin) and Kendall Taylor (piano)
Guillaume Lekeu , pupil of Franck and d'Indy, and friend of Ysaye, to whom his Sonata in- G is dedicated, died in 1894 at the age of only twenty-four. This sonata, which is in three movements, is of considerable length and is more in the form of a fantasy than a sonata. The music is lyrical and romantic in style.
Directed by Jack Hardy
' Tomatoes ' by C. H. Middleton
The BBC Northern Orchestra
Led by Harold Jones
Conducted by Maurice Johnstone
Laurance Turner (violin)
See' This Week's Radio Music ', p. 6
at the organ of the Ritz Cinema,
adapted from 0. Henry's short story by Robert Holmes
Storekeeper, farmers, and towns-people of Peavine, in the U.S.A.
Production by M. H. Allen
Conductor, Fred Mortimer
' Some recent plays '
A talk by Lionel Hale
ynghyd a sgwrs, ' Cyfieithu'r Beibl i'r
Llydaweg ', gan B. G. Owens
(News and a topical talk in Welsh)
' The Lass with the Lantem
A play by A. P. Wilson
Recordings made by Vicente Gomez
The programme compiled by A. P. Sharpe
' Germany abroad'
A discussion of Nazi organisation in foreign countries by Archer Lindsey , Secretary, 1921-1931, of the Gracco-Bulgarian Emigration Commission ; a German journalist who has travelled for several neutral papers ; and a political student who has been engaged for many years in research on German minorities, speaking anonymously
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
broadcast from a Surrey wood
from the George Cadbury Hall ,
Selly Oak
' The Story of Selly Oak' by H. G. Wood
Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation (A. and M. 657; S.P. 626; Rv. C.H. 22)
Praise and Thanksgiving
Lesson: Ephesians ii, 11-22 (read by an Indian woman student)
Hymn: 0 Jesu, King most wonderful
(A. and M. 178 ; S.P. 547 ; Rv. C.H. 423)
Address by the Rev. J. A. Ramsbotham, Warden of the College of the Ascension
Hymn: Through the night of doubt and sorrow onward goes the pilgrim band (A. and M. 274 ; S.P. 678 ; Rv. C.H. 214)
Organist, D. B. Knee
An appeal on behalf of British Medical Missions Overseas, by Clement C. Chesterman , O.B.E., M.D., M.R.C.P., Hon. Secretary, British Advisory Board on Medical
Both in this appeal and in the service that precedes it the listener's attention is drawn to the work of the British missionaries abroad. Wartime conditions threaten the income of the many missionary societies who render invaluable medical service all over the world. Over a thousand
British doctors and nurses perform. such services in hospitals, welfare centres, and dispensaries, many of them in remote places. In the single year of 1938, 370,000 in-patients were treated and nine and a half million visits from out-patients received.
Contributions for the medical service of all mission boards in the Conference of British Missionary Societies will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to[address removed]
I-Folk Songs of Britain
The BBC Chorus
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
A dramatic history of mine-laying and mine-sweeping by ' 'Taffrail'
Production by John Cheatle
Taking part : D. A. Clarke-Smith , Laidman Browne , Ivan Samson ,
Edgar Norfolk , Philip Cunningham , Bryan Powley , Gordon McLeod , and Valentine Dyall
The feats of the mine-sweepers rarely bring them to the headlines. While they do not figure in the more sensational side of the Navy's work, their vigilance is ceaseless, their duties are always fraught with danger, and their work is absolutely essential to the protection of the country.
There is no side of life at sea on which ' Taffrail ' cannot write as the expert he is. He has a happy knack of bringing to the technical side of his subject the vivid atmosphere of everything that goes on. Tonight he will recall the history of mines in warfare, describe the work of the sweepers during the last war, and tell you how once more this fleet of gallant little ships manned by crews from the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, and the fishing fleets is at its task of keeping the seas open for British trade.
(Section C)
Led by Marie Wilson
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Trinity Sunday
'Worship the Lord'
Holy, holy, holy! (S.P. 187) Isaiah vi, 1-8
Firmly I believe and truly (E.H. 390) Psalm xlvi, 10
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
A programme of restful melody arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC Theatre Organ