Recent recordings of popular hits
A thought for today
Morning physical exercises for women
by Mark Raphael (baritone)
A weekly guide to the foods that are cheapest and best at the moment, by a hotel manager
(All the above items arranged by Arthur Dulay )
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Ian Whyte
from page 53 of ' New Every Morning'
played by the Marie Dare String Quartet-Mariorie Hayward (violin) ; Susan Davies (violin) ; Olive Davidson (viola) ; Marie Dare (violoncello) ; and Winifred Gaskell (flute)
Charles Bordes , best known as founder of the Schola Cantorum in Paris, was a fairly prolific composer, but this suite is his only example of chamber music. He was always attracted by the legends and music of the Basques. Basque rhythms and folk tunes abound in this work-the second and final movements both being national folk dances in the characteristic five-four rhythm, and two folk-song themes recurring in the first movement. One of these folk songs, ' The Caged Bird ', first inspired him to visit that secluded corner of Europe where the Basques live.
11.0 Music for Every Day (Ages 9-15)
' Music as Movement-Time'
Ronald Biggs
11.20 Interlude
11.25 English for Under-Nines (Ages 7-9)
Ten-minute tales by Rhoda Power
Æsop's Fable No. 2, The Fox and the Cock'
11.35 Interlude
11.40 Senior Geography (Ages 11-15)
Russia and her Neighbours
' The Building of the Russian Empire'
at the organ of the Plaza Cinema, Swansea
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Harold Lowe
News and views of rationing from shopkeepers, housewives, farmers, hotel-keepers, and tramps
Written, recorded, and presented by James Miller and Joan Littlewood
2.0 Nature Study (Ages 9-12):
' Feeding Birds in Winter '—C. R. Stonor
2.15 Interlude
2.20 Physical Training (Ages 9-12) (for use in classrooms)
Edith Dowling
2.35 Interlude
2.40 British History (Ages 11-15): 'Britain Finds Herself
' Sir John Eliot: Freedom of Speech '—D. Scott Daniell
Conducted by Gordon Thorne
' Then and Now'-Olga Collett
' Aboard the Bulger ', a story by Ann Scott Moncrieff
Part 2-' The beginning of the voyage', told by James McKechnie
Music about birds, sung and played by Kathleen McCallum and David McCallum , and a musical puzzle
1—'A Singing Nation'
Dr. Malcolm Sargent
' The Early Bite'-J. G. Stewart
Being part of a camp concert performed and presented by the troops from 'Somewhere in England'
(Section C) led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Herbert Menges
by Max Beerbohm
Adapted for broadcasting by Douglas Cleverdon
The music arranged by Alan Rawsthorne. The orchestra conducted by Hyam Greenbaum. Production by Douglas Cleverdon
Major-General Sir Ernest Swinton , K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O.
A comedy thriller with music, by Jack House and Allan MacKinnon.
Music by Alan Paul and Gerald Shaw
The thrills take place in the Burnglen Public Hall, to which the Superba
Gramophone Record Company have evacuated from London; the Burnglen Police Station ; a Glasgow theatre ; and various other odd spots
Chorus and a Section of the BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Kemlo Stephen
Production by Robin Russell
Address by the Rev. Father John Murray , S.J.
A Recital from St. Michael's, Cornhill by Arnold Richardson
with Jack Plant