A cheerful selection of gramophone records
Programme summary
Records of Hutch (Leslie A. Hutchinson)
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
played by The BBC Salon Orchestra, leader Jean Pougnet , conductor
Leslie Bridgewater
Some optimistic songs on gramophone records
and his Band
(balalaika) accompanied by Geoffrey Sisley
Mrs. Wilkes and her brother Ernest at home in their bar-parlour to Howard Marshall and their other friends
on gramophone records
John McCormack (tenor)
played by Debroy Somers and his Band
Presented by Hugh Shirreff
A concert party
The cast includes :
Ida Cowey (soprano), Molly Malone (entertainer), Mavis Newton (pianist), Audrey Parker (soubrette), Walter Newman (entertainer), Arthur Bell
(baritone), and Fred Wynne (comedian)
Presented by Will Tissington and Katharine Craig
From the South
and his Orchestra
at the theatre organ
Selection: This England Popular medley
' In Tune with You'
Melodies for all moods on two pianos
Personalities of the gramophone and their records
Kitty Masters, the well-known stage and radio singer
Interviewed by Charles Maxwell
Kitty Masters started her professional career at the age of ten as ' Wee Kitty Masters, the Wee Mite with the Big Voice ', but she leaped into general fame when she succeeded Phyllis Robins as vocalist with Henry Hall and the BBC Dance Orchestra. After two years she and Les Allen left Henry to team together on the halls.
The days of her great radio fame coincided with those of the song ' Little man, you've had a busy day '. She made that number very much her own-a well-known critic described her way of singing it by saying that ' her voice caresses the microphone '—and has since adopted it as her signature tune.
Organised by N.A.A.F.I.
From a garrison theatre somewhere in England
A programme in Dutch under the auspices of the Dutch Government.
Harry Saville and his Band
sung by Stiles-Allen (soprano)
Un programme Francais, pour les Francais, par des Francais
from a theatre in the West
by Eric Gillett
A programme of romantic gramophone records
and his Band