A cheerful selection of gramophone records
Programme summary
Records of Eddie Peabody, virtuoso of many fretted instruments
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
to Sydney Lipton and his Band
a gramophone programme about the theatre organ and its organists
Presented by Bobby Pagan
Bobby Pagan , who followed Quentin Maclean last year at the Trocadero, will show in this programme the rise to popularity of the theatre organ in this country.
In 1938 and 1939 he spent eighteen months in Denmark to take over Denmark's first cinema organ, and picked up enough Danish to make his own announcements in that language.
While in Copenhagen he broadcast weekly from Kalundborg, and also made a number of records, including a tune dedicated to Denmark's capital because it derived its melody from the chimes of the City Hall dock. A great occasion of his visit was the premiere of a film attended by the entire Danish Royal Family, when he had to play a programme of all-Danish music-no light task for a foreign guest-performer in a strange land.
and his Orchestra
presents Rudolph Dunbar the eminent clarinet-player, who will talk about American and English jazz of today and illustrate his arguments with a few gramophone records
Devised by Tom Wills and Kenneth Sydney Baynes , with Helen Clare , Sydney Burchall , and BBC Variety Orchestra, leader
Frank Cantell
Presented and conducted by Charles Shadwell
Narrator, Pat Curwen
at the theatre organ
Ethel Gomer-Lewis (soprano)
Teifion Williams (baritone)
played by The Brighouse and Rastrick Band
Conductor, Fred Berry
Well-known close harmony singers on gramophone records
Fa-vourite pieces from the repertoire of the BBC Orchestra (Section B-leader, Paul Beard ) including items requested by Service listeners
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
A twice-weekly programme for Anti-Aircraft and Balloon Barrage personnel, including
' I Want to be an Actor', with Anti-Aircraft and Balloon Barrage personnel as rival aspirants
Variety with the Four Smith Brothers and Pat and Billy Taylor , presented by Alan Melville
' Things are Looking Up '-the adventures of Rough and Ready (two willing lads), concocted by Ted Kavanagh and Bill MacLurg
A fortnightly summary of New Zealand news, specially presented for New Zcalanders in this country and read by W. D'Arcy Cresswell
at the theatre organ Hits, old and new
If you feel like eavesdropping, there's a 'phone call going through to George in the Forces
A programme in Dutch under the auspices of the Dutch Government.
Requests from the Forces collected by Lionel Gamlin and delivered by the BBC Military Band, conductor
P. S. G. O'Donnell
Un programme Francais, pour les Francais, par des Francais
with Lyle Evans , Carlos Ames ,
Frances Day
Compere, Sutherland Felce
From somewhere in England
A weekly summary by the Canadian Press of Canadian news, specialty presented for Canadians in this country and read by Gerry Wilmot (in collaboration with the CBC and the Canadian Press)
Records of famous bands playing popular dance tunes