A chance to see again some of the highlights of the competition to find the Choir of the Year 1984.
Brian Kay pinpoints some memorable moments and also gives details of the next competition, which takes place in 1986. Videotape editor PETER HAYES Producer HILARY BOULDING BBC Scotland
For details of the Choir of the Year competition write to: [address removed]
Today Chuck Jones talks about his ultimate chase movie Fair and Wormer and one of his own favourite cartoon characters - the indefatigable, amorous
French skunk, Monsieur Pepe le Pew!
Ingrid Bergman Joseph Cotten
Hitchcock's stylish period thriller is set in New South Wales, 1831. The Governor's nephew, Charles Adare , newly arrived from England, is invited to the house of former convict Sam Flusky - now a wealthy businessman. He finds himself in a strange household. Flusky's aristocratic wife has become an alcoholic and seems to live in constant fear of Milly, the shrewish housekeeper....
Screenplay by JAMES BRIDIE
Based on the play by JOHN COLTON and MARY LINDEN and the novel by HELEN SIMPSON Produced by SIDNEY BERNSTEIN Directed by ALFRED HITCHCOCK (The next Hitchcock film is The
Wrong Man tonight 11. 15pm BBC1) 0 FILMS: page 27
continues the season of films by Orson Welles who died in October.
Today starring Orson Welles
Jeanette Nolan
Considered by the associate producer as 'the greatest experimental
American film ever made under the Hollywood studio system', this imaginative version of Macbeth was filmed by Welles in the space of three weeks. Accounting for the liberties he had taken with Shakespeare's text, Welles called it 'a kind of violently sketched charcoal drawing of a great play'.
Screenplay by ORSON WELLES from the play by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Produced and directed by ORSON WELLES
(Welles directs Lady from Shanghai tomorrow 1.55 pm)
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One hundred and fifty years ago, on 31 August, 1835, a railway bill ended its tortuous journey through Parliament, and the Great Western Railway was bom. Anthony Burton follows in the footsteps of Isambard Kingdom Brunel to tell of the 'Little Giant' and 'The finest work in England'.
Ray Gosling wanders off the tracks and through six counties between London and Bristol to discover why the Great Western was said to be 'of a piece' with the territory it served. The young Queen Victoria, Oscar Wilde, Sir John Betjeman, the 'Young Gentleman of Eton' and a modern-day musical, all play a part in this
Great Western Journey. Produced by Barry Bevins BBC Manchester (R)
with Jan Leeming Weather
The Yeomen of the Guard is the oldest Royal bodyguard in existence, this year celebrating 500 years of unbroken service to the Kings and Queens of England.
At the Battle of Bosworth
Field in 1485 they fought for Henry Tudor , who decreed that from then on the Guard would 'uphold the dignity and grandeur of the English Crown for all time'.
Not to be confused with the Beefeaters at the Tower of London who wear a similar uniform, the Queen's bodyguard, although still drawn from the ranks of fighting soldiers, is, these days, purely ceremonial, accompanying the Monarch on all great State occasions.
The film follows the Guard in its anniversary year, from searching the cellars before the State Opening of Parliament, to escorting The Queen at the Royal Maundy Service, the Garter
Ceremony, garden parties, an investiture, and finally their anniversary parade at Buckingham Palace.
Written and narrated by Ian Wooldridge
Film editor DICK PULL
'The Air Ministry are spitting heedlessly at our language, our culture, and our sacred places, like dogs cocking their legs on an altar.'
This is the emotion that fuelled the burning of the RAF bombing school in 1936. Saunders Lewis. owEN GARMON
Subtitle translation JOHN TREFOR Designer RAY PRICE
(Welsh play with English subtitles)
Walter Matthau
Robert Shaw
'Your train has been taken.' These words echo into the security section of the New
York subway. The unlikeliest of hijackings has taken place with a gang of armed men in command of a train compartment and its passengers. Their demand is a ransom of one million dollars - to be delivered within an hour. For every minute's delay one of the passengers will die ...
Screenplay by PETER STONE
Based on the novel by JOHN GODEY Produced by GABRIEL KATZKA. EDGAR J. SCHERICK Directed by JOSEPH SARGENT
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