medium only
Rossini Overture: The Italian Girl in Algiers
7.13* Spohr Nonet in F, Op 31 MEMBERS OF THE VIENNA OCTET
7.43* Glazunov Finnish Fantasy MOSCOW RADIO SYMPHONY
ORCHESTRA, conducted by EVGENY SVETLANOV : records
8.16* Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 1. in F sharp minor VLADIMIR ASHKENAZY LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA conducted by ANDRE PREVIN
8.44* Bartok Hungarian Sketches: ISRAEL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, conducted by ZUBIN MEHTA : records
Carl Nielsen
Act I of the opera Maskarade from the new records conducted by JOHN FRANDSEN. The cast includes TONNY LANDY , MOGENS SCHMIDT JOHANSEN , GURLI PLESNER IB HANSEN , GERT BASTIAN and CHRISTIAN SORENSEN , With the DANISH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, gramophone records
for young people
Atarah's Music Box
Atarah Ben-Tovim talks with some musical beginners about the problems and pleasures of learning an instrument and playing music of all kinds from classics to rock.
13th-century Motets
Ninth in a series of 28 programmes devised and introduced by Basil Lam
These motets, in contrast to those in the seventh programme, are mainly s.ettings of non-liturgical sacred texts. mostly in Latin. Some of them appear in so many manuscripts that they may almost be described as 13th-century classics.
KEVIN SMITH (counter-tenor) JOHN ELWES (tenor)
(medieval instruments) BASIL LAM (organ)
Zimmermann Sonata (1960)
Ross Edwards Monos I (1971) (dedicated to Florian Kitt)
Ysaye Sonata. Op 28
A recital by ALFREDA HODGSON (contralto) KEITH SWALLOW (piano)
An die Nachtigall; Standchen (Der Mond steht iiber dem Berge): Botschaft
Sechs Madchenlieder: Am jiingsten Tag: Ach, und du mein kiihles Wasser; Auf die Nacht in der Spinnstub'n; Das Madchen spricht: Madchenfluch; Stand das Madchen
Gestillte Sehnsucht; Geistliches Wiegenlied: Two songs, Op 91, with viola obbligato
BBC Manchester
A series of live relays from the City Hall, Glasgow, given by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, leader RAYMOND OVENS conducted by Ole Schmidt Michael Lind (tuba) Part 1
Haydn Symphony No 88. in G
Ole Schmidt Tuba Concerto (first performance in this country)
A weekly news bulletin
Part 2 Sibelius
Symphony No 4, in A minor BBC Scotland
with Paul Cropper (viola)
Haydn Quartet in D. Op 76 No 5 Bartok Quartet No 3
2.40* Interval Reading
2.50* Lindsay String Quartet Part 2 Mozart
Quintet in c (K 515)
BBC Birmingham
by Johann Strauss. Weber, Luigini, Liszt and Smetana
The Elizabethan pastoral conceit in ballads and art-song. CONSORT OF MUSICKE with MARTYN HILL (tenor)
Introduced by Anthony Rooley anon Robin is to the greenwood gone: Faire Angell of England; Oh Wanton
King Edward John Bartlett Sweet birds deprive us never
John Danyel Thou pretty bird anon Come live with me and be my love
John Danyel Fancy for two lutes; Dost thou withdraw thy grace
Robert Johnson Witches Dance 1: 0 let us howle (The Duchess of Malfi); Witches Dance II BBC Birmingham
Introduced by Charles Fox
medium only
medium only
(continued) medium only
(medium only)
6.30 Get By in French: 1: Getting Something to Drink
With Benedicte Paviot and Daniel Pageon
Saying hello, how are you; asking for a cup of tea or coffee, or a beer.
7.0 pm Get By in Spanish: 1: Getting Food and Drink
With Maria Antonio Marcos and Eduardo Delgado
Calling the waiter; saying how you like something; being polite
(Repeats of last week's broadcasts)
Part 1
Sonata in F minor, Op 2 No 1 Sonata in c sharp minor, Op 27 No 2 (Moonlight)
Six talks in which novelists, playwrights and poets analyse their approach to their craft. 'I shall never cease to be astonished by the almost casual manner in which the great practitioners of my craft are able to create unforgettable men and women. It is a gift, I think, as marvellous as birth itself.'
This week: Paul Bailey , winner of the Somerset Maugham Award for his first novel At the Jerusalem, and the E. M. Forster Memorial Award for A Distant Likeness.
Part 2
Sonata in 8 flat, Op 106 (Hammerklavier)
(A public concert given in the Royal Festival Hall, London, on 16 May 1977)
by ROBERT BROWNING abridged in nine episodes by JOE BURROUGHS and TERENCE TILLER
6:Giacinto and Giovanni-Baltista
Readers Gerald Cross and Roger Snowdon
Concerto for guitar and orchestra: LONDON SYMPHONY
ORCHESTRA, conducted by ANDRÉ PREVIN: record
The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. California, is one of the most distinguished of America's ' think-tanks'. Anthony King. Professor of Government at Essex University, who is spending the current academic year at the Center, chairs a special seminar on the relationship between academic study and government policy formation and on the contribution theoretical research can make to the solution of the problems of government.
Those taking part are: ROBERT HALL. Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MICHAEL HANNAN , Professor of Sociology at Stanford University: JOHN KAPLAN , Professor of Law at Stanford University: and THEODORE j. lowi. Professor of Political
Science at Cornell University. Producer ANNF . SLOMAN
Romanze aus
Rosamunde ELENA GERHARDT (mezzo.sop) COENRAD VAN BOS (piano)
(gramophone record: 1928)