9.0 Biology: From Conception to Birth
9.25 Better Badminton: 3: Defence into Attack
Book, The Badminton Story, £6.75 hardback, £4.50 paperback, from booksellers
9.52 Look and Read: The Boy from Space: The Man in the Sand-pit
10.15 Resource Units: Religious and Moral Education: More Man-Power
10.38 Exploring Science: Designing Structures
11.0 Hyn o Fyd: Congl y Casglwr: Erys Amser
(Collectors' Corner. First shown on BBC Cymru/Wales)
11.22 Talkabout: The Story of Chen Ping
11.40 Going to Work: Life Styles
12.5 pm Plants in Action 2: Flower Power
(First shown on BBC2)
Book (same title), £9.50 from booksellers