by David Weir
[Starring] Geoffrey Keen, Robert Hardy, Philip Latham, Jayne Sofiano, Deborah Stanford
Guest stars, Dora Reisser, Jack Gwillim, Bernard Hepton, Bruce Boa
Special guest star, Jackie Trent
'Let's show the Yanks what it is to be British,' says Brian Stead. And to prove it he takes the entire board of Mogul International across the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth 2. But this is no empty gesture. The moment of decision has arrived in the Mogul-Zenith merger battle. For the crucial board meeting the directors must be away from outside interference.
The whole of this episode, apart from a short opening scene in Mogul House, is set on board the QE2. As a bonus, night-club entertainment is provided by singing star Jackie Trent.
Because of the changes in the QE2's schedule, actress Dora Reisser (Mrs. Foss) had to be specially flown back from Acapulco to film on the ship. The biggest headache, however, was given to designer John Hurst, who was required to re-create the interiors of the QE2 for studio work - quite a task.