9.15 Engineering: Craft and Science: Unit 5: Joining Metal: 5: Weldability
Shown on Monday
Repeated on Friday (not Scottish)
For booklet see page 16
9.38 Exploring Your World: Making Music
Shown on Monday
10.0-10.20 History 1917-1967: The Great Divide
The widening gulf between the poor countries of the underdeveloped world and the wealthy industrial countries.
Introduced by Brian Redhead
Repeated on Thursday
10.25-10.45 Dysgu Cymraeg: a series for Welsh Schools
(Welsh Transmitters, Sutton Coldfield, Holme Moss, Wenvoe West)
11.0 Drama: Serjeant Musgrave's Dance
Shown on Tuesday
11.35 Science Extra: Physics: Particles of Electricity?
Introduced by John Osborne
Repeated on Monday and Thursday of next week
12.0-12.25 For Sixth Forms: China: Mao's Second Revolution
Shown on Monday