Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha na tunnagan den bheachd g’ eil rudeigin còmhla riutha san lòn – ach dè th’ ann? The ducks believe that there is something with them in the pond, but what can it be?
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Tha ròbot annasach a’ tadhal air na Clangairean – ach dè a th’aige ri shealltainn dhaibh? A strange robot visits the Clangers, but what does he have to show them? Show more
Tha lùig aig AH-AH airson cuibhlichean air a leabaidh gus nach bi aige ri èirigh àiste. AH-AH wishes for wheels on his bed so he doesn’t have to get out of it. Show more
Tha na càmhail ann an droch thriom agus tha feum air taic bhon Dotair Sue. The camels are in a bad mood today and Dr Sue’s help is needed. Show more
Abair gu bheil rudan ag atharrachadh – ach càite bheil am burras? There’s a lot changing, but where is the caterpillar? Show more
Tha Meaban is Moo a' peantadh rudan gorm. Meaban and Moo are painting blue things. Show more
A bedtime story for young children. Carina Macleod reads Mathan Mosach written by David Walliams. Show more
Nuair tha Camshron a’ tighinn tarsainn air ugh iolair-dhubh, tha e ’son a chumail dha fhèin. When Cameron comes across a black eagle’s egg, he wants to keep it for himself. Show more
Tha Bonns airson an sgòrr ‘s àirde sa phàirc-sgudail a dhìreadh an-diugh. Bonns wants to climb the highest mountain in the junkyard today. Show more
Tha Mgr Mackle a’ cur fàilte air na sgoilearan ’s na tidsearan. Mr Mackle welcomes teachers and pupils back. Show more
Plòigh agus saidheans còmhla ris an Ollamh Olive & Dr Moiteil agus na Lasgainean. Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science in the company of the Lasgainean. Show more
The Stornoway Ladies are on the road again, this time to Lerwick in Shetland, for the final game of their season. Show more
The studio guest is chaplain Suzie Roberts, and Calum Maclean is in Rogart, Sutherland, seeking some relief from a sore shoulder. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.
Iagan MacNeil explores the Fife Coastal Path, from Dysart to Elie. Tha Iagan MacNèill a’coiseachd cladach Fìobha, bhon Dìseart gu Ealaidh. Show more
Tha Cathy Nicdhòmhnaill a’ bruidhinn ri clann a’ mhansa. Cathy Macdonald talks to children of the manse. Show more
The community gathers for a fundraiser ceilidh for Old Mary who is recovering from her mill accident. Show more
Come on a thrilling journey into the world of fairies and folklore with Ingrid Henderson. Thigibh air turas a-steach gu saoghal shìthichean agus creutairean os-nadarra eile le Ingrid NicEunraig. Show more
Ramsay visits Toulouse for an action-packed holiday in the sunshine. Tha Ramsay a’tadhal air Toulouse airson làithean-saora luma làn spòrs sa ghrèin. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.