Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha ròbot annasach a’ tadhal air na Clangairean – ach dè a th’aige ri shealltainn dhaibh? A strange robot visits the Clangers, but what does he have to show them? Show more
When the aquarium at Sù Pìc springs a leak, Seumas, Violet and Mgr Pìc must find a solution so as to save the poor fish. Show more
Tha Eilidh NicCarmaig a' coinneachadh ri Angus agus na ceithir cait aige. Eilidh Cormack meets Angus and his four cats. Show more
Tha Meaban is Moo a' peantadh rudan gorm. Meaban and Moo are painting blue things. Show more
Tha rudeigin neo-àbhaisteach air tuiteam gu talamh an-diugh. Something unusual has fallen to the ground today. Show more
Tha àm sèimh cudromach oir bheir e spionnadh dhut airson àm spòrsail. Quiet time is important, as it helps provide energy for fun time! Show more
Tha an Ochd-chasach ag innse mar a tha iad le ochd chasan, dà shùil ach gun chnàmhan! The Octopus tells how they have eight legs, two eyes but no bones. Show more
Petit and his friends don't want to go to sleep because they want to keep playing. They think of a Chinese solution to their problem. Show more
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
Series 2
Co-là-breith Chailein/Happy Birthday Gareth
11 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for 5 months
Dave makes a Gareth shaped piñata for Gareth’s birthday, but his starfish friend is confused when the Spuds bash it to pieces. Show more
The Baron's love for the Queen of Great Goldlandia threatens to bring DM to his knees. Show more
Tha dibhearsan gu leòr againn an-diugh is Fearchar a’ cluich ball-lìn. There’s plenty of fun today with Fearchar playing netball.
Tha Stella air droch chomharran fhaighinn – dè thachras aig a’ choinneamh phàrant? Stella has been given poor grades, what will happen at the parents' meeting? Show more
Feumar gach sgoilear obair a lorg air là an greis-gnìomhachais. Saoil am bi sin soirbh? Each pupil must find a job for Work Experience Day. Will this be easy though? Show more
Tha Choirstaidh a’ cruthachadh dominothan a ghabhas ithe agus deoch-bhainne anns A’ Chùil. Choirstaidh is making dominoes you can eat and a milkshake. Show more
Tha Bonns airson an sgòrr ‘s àirde sa phàirc-sgudail a dhìreadh an-diugh. Bonns wants to climb the highest mountain in the junkyard today. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach seachdainn le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA. Show more
Streath ùr a’ tòiseachadh le laoidhean, sailm agus leughaidhean. Iain MacKinnon presents a mix of hymns, psalms and readings, including a parable. Show more
An t-seachdain seo tha Dòmhnall Moireasdan a' còmhradh ris an sgrìobhaiche Norma NicLeòid. Donald Morrison in conversation with the writer Norma Macleod.
It’s August, and Peter is busy harvesting peas for dinner and building a slate bench. An Lùnastal ‘s tha Pàdruig a’ buain pheasairean son dìnneir agus a’ togail being sglèata. Show more
Dìleab an Dotair John Hay à Ùige Leòdhais, agus a thasglann sònraichte de dh’fhilmichean. The legacy of Dr John Hay from Uig on the Isle of Lewis, and his remarkable film archive. Show more
Sùil air ais air na rinn an seinneadair rock agus roll, Sheryl Crow. A nostalgic look back on the musical career of critically acclaimed rock and roll icon, Sheryl Crow. Show more
Òrain Mhurchaidh MhicPhàrlain, Bàrd Mhealaboist, bho Fèis Celtic Connections 2021. The songs of Melbost bard, Murdo MacFarlane, recorded at Celtic Connections 2021. Show more
Ramsay visits Split for an action-packed holiday in the sunshine. Tha Ramsay a’tadhal air Split airson làithean-saora luma làn spòrs sa ghrèin. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.