from page 85 of ' New Every Morning '
by David Martin
French for Sixth Forms
' Voltaire '
Heinrich Schlusnus (baritone):
Drei Zigeuner (Three Gypsies). 0 komm in Traum (0 come in my dreams) (Liszt)
Lotte Lehmann (soprano): Murmeludes Liiftchen (Murmuring Breezes). 0 lass dich halten, goldene Stunde (Stay, 0 golden hours) (Jensen)
Friedrich Schorr (baritone): Prometheus (Wolf)
Gwladys Garside (contralto)
The Entente String Quartet :
Dorothy Churton (violin)
Gerald Emms (violin)
Nora Wilson (viola)
Edith Churton (violoncello) 12.58 GWLADYS GARSIDE
Seit ich ihn gesehen (Since first I saw him). Er, der Herrhchste von Allen (He, the noblest of all). Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben
(I cannot grasp it, or believe it).
Du Ring an meinem Finger (Thou ring on my finger). Siisser Freund , du. blickest mir verwundert an (Dear friend, you look at me as if amazed). Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz gethan (Now, for the first time, you have hurt me) 1.15 QUARTET
1 Allegro ma non troppo. 2 Lento. 3 Molto vivace. 4 Vivace ma non troppo
A serial reading from Herman
Melville's ' Moby Dick ' by Geoffrey Tandy
The whaleman Pequod has now put to sea, and Ishmael has time to look about him. He notes the ' knights ' and ' squires' of the ship, and is moved to extol the whaleman's calling, and at last his sinister captain, Ahab, appears on deck.
D World History
' Persia—The Story of Cyrus '
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Biology in the Service of Man
' Microbes '
H. MUNRO Fox , F.R.S.
(From Midland)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra, conductor, Sir Adrian Boult : Overture, Portsmouth Point (Walton)
The London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Albert Coates : Kamarinskaya (Glinka)
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Frederick Stock : Overture, Ruslan and Ludmilla (Glinka)
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
D Frances Hatfield (mezzo-soprano)
Edern Jones (baritone)
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
Psalm cxix, 145-176 Lesson, Job xxxiii
Magnificat (Stanford in A) Lesson, Luke vii, 36-50
Nunc Dimittis (Stanford in A)
Anthem, Cantantibus organis (Peter
(While organs made harmony Cecilia, chaste maid, unto her Lord prayed making melody in her heart's depths, saying : Let my heart, O Lord, and body be holy, spotless and undefiled, that I be not shajned nor yet confounded.) (Words by R. R. Terry. Reprinted by permission of Messrs. Novello and Co. Ltd.)
Hymn, King of glory, King of peace
(E.H. 424)
including Weather Forecast
played by The Pougnet-Pini-Morrison Trio:
Jean Pougnet (violin)
Anthony Pini (violoncello)
Angus Morrison (pianoforte)
at the BBC Theatre Organ
Fan Mail Favourites
A Radio Magazine
Introduced by F. H. Grisewood
Season 1938-9, Second Concert from Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Ltd.)
Joseph Szigeti (violin)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
Allegro moderato-Quasi andante —Allegro impetuoso
Busoni's Violin Concerto was written in 1896-7 when the composer was thirty years of age. Like the Comedy
Overture, it represents Busoni's earlier style of writing, which paid respects to the style of,the classical masters such as Mozart and Beethoven. Its form follows the lines of Liszt's concertos, consisting of - three movements which play without a break and are all based on the same thematic material. Furthermore, in Busoni s Concerto the solo part is by no means ' showy' in the usual concerto manner.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
(A short article on Walton's Symphony will be found on page 15)
Tickets may be obtained from the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, W.1 ; Messrs. Chappell's Box Office, Queen's Hall, Langham Place, W.1 and the usual Agents. Prices : 10s. to 2s.
A Comedy by Horton Giddy
The scene is a hut on the plains of South Russia near the Black Sea coast. It is the winter of 1921,' when the army of the Soviets is driving the last remnants of the White counter-revolution into the sea
General Yagunin Colonel Ilyitch Orderly
Commissar Birnbaum
Produced by John Cheatle
will play for dancing from the Ritz Hotel
Gramophone records of the string bass
Arranged by Joshua Froggat