('The Magic Flute ') An opera in two acts
Libretto by Emanuel Schickaneder
Music by Mozart
(sung in the original German) and Vienna State Opera Chorus
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted BY George Szell
Producer, Gunther Rennert
The action takes place in the neighbourhood of a temple of Isis in Egypt
Acr 1
Scene 1: A rocky pass
Scene 2: Pamina's chamber
Scene 3: The courtyard of the temple
by Francis Berry Lecturer in English in the University of Sheffield
Mr. Berry discusses the extent to which a poet's work is limited and controlled by his physical voice. He illustrates his talk with recordings of Dylan Thomas , E. E. Cummings , and W. H. Auden reading their own poems.
Act 2
Scene 1: In the temple
Scene 2: The courtyard of the temple
Scene 3: A garden
Scene 4: A vault in the temple
Scene 5: In the temple
Scene 6: Another part of the temple
Scene 7: A portal Scene 8: A garden
Scene 9: Before the temple
Scene 10: In the temple