An opera in four acts
Scene: In and around Otello's castle in Cyprus at the end of the fifteenth century
Act I
Outside the castle, overlooking the harbour
See below and page 6
A monologue in one scene by Anton Chekhov
Translated by Richard Newnham
Read by Peter Woodthorpe
A hall of the castle, overlooking the garden
by J. P. Corbett
Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford Mr. Corbett considers religious agnosticism not as a creed but as an enquiry.
Acr 3: The great hall of the castle
T. S. Eliot
' The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock '
Read by Alan Wheatley and ' Gerontion '
Read by William Devlin
Fifth of six programmes
Readings from American poets: Dec. 23
ACT 4: Desdemona's bedroom
A meditation by Samuel Beckett
Spoken by Patrick Magee
Produced by Donald McWhinnie