The Art of Fugue played, by Pietro Scarpini (piano)
Contrapuncti 12 and 13 (two mirror fugues)
Contrapunctus 14 (quadruple fugue) completed by Sir Donald Tovey
The last of three recitals in which
Pietro Scarpini has played Bach Art of Fugue
A topical programme on the arts literature and entertainment
A talk by Vera Traill on the London Film Festival
from Berlioz to the present day
5-Hahn and Faure sung by Ninon Vallin (soprano)
Charles Panzera (baritone) on gramophone records
L'heure exquise; Si mes vers avaient des ailes (Hahn): Ninon VaJlin with piano accompaniment
L'air; Le printemps (Hahn : Ninon Vallin accompanied by the composer
L'horizon chimérique (Fauri) Charles Panzera with Magdeleine Fanzera-
Baillot (piano)
Fifth of sixteen programmes
A biographical portrait compiled by John Davenport and Douglas Cleverdon
With recorded reminiscences by Harold Acton, Edwin Cerio, S. E. Il Principe Vittorio Caracciolo, Martha Gordon-Crotch, Victor Cunard, Richard Curie, Gracie Fields, Constantine FitzGibbon, Theodora FitzGibbon, Louis Golding, Douglas Goldring, Ian Greenlees, Edward Hutton, Viva King, D. M. Low, John Mavrogordato, Sir Compton Mackenzie, Lady Mackenzie, Ian Parsons, Maurice Richardson, Roger Senhouse, Martin Seeker, Michael Swan, H. M. Tomlinson, and Angus Wilson
Introduced by John Davenport
Production by Douglas Cleverdon
Robert Soetens (violin) Suzanne Roche (piano)
Sonata No. 2. Op. 45. Marcel Mihalovici
(first broadcast in this country)
Marcel Mihalovici, born in Bucharest in 1898, has lived for many years in Paris, where he was a pupil of Vincent d'Indy. His Violin Sonata No. 2 was written in 1954. The Sonatine by the contemporary
French composer and conductor Jean Marrinon was written as a test piece for competition at the Paris Conservatoire in 1951.