A discussion
Edward Jaegerman one-time Attorney Adviser to the American Securities and Exchange
Roy Jenkins , M.P. an economist
Harold Wincott
Editor of the Investors' Chronicle
The speakers consider the extent of capital gains in this country and discuss how far it is desirable and practicable to tax them. Comparisons are made with the position in the U.S.A., where capital gains have been taxed for many years.
(The recorded broadcast of Jan. 11)
Jean Fournier (violin) Ginette Doyen (piano)
Talk by Ian Gregor
Pointing out the odd bracketing of words in the tide of Matthew Arnold 's best-known prose work, Dr. Gregor argues that we should find his notion of * culture less thin if we saw that his use of the word ' anarchy ' was directly inspired by the political and social conditions of England in the 186os; in particular, by the growing power of the working classes. followed by an interlude at 7.30
by Albrecht Goes
Translated by Michael Hamburger
Adapted for radio and produced by Christopher Sykes
Irmgard Seefried (soprano)
Richard Holm (tenor)
Kim Borg (bass)
Choir of St. Hedwig's Cathedral, Berlin Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Igor Markevitch from the harpsichord on gramophone records
Talk by Victor Zorza
Manchester Guardian correspondent on Soviet and East European affairs
Wind Quintet (1922) played by the Marsyas Wind Quintet:
Clifford Seville (flute)
John Barnett (oboe)
Basil Tschaikov (clarinet) Roger Birnstingl (bassoon)
Alan Civil (horn)
reads a selection of her poems
(The recorded broadcast of April 12)