Ralph Downes (organ)
The Dorian Singers
Conductor, Matyas Seiber
Echo ad manuale duplex, forte at lene
Kyrie Dominicale
Modus ludendi pleno organo Echo alio modo
O Domine Jesu Christe
Puer natus in Bethlehem Tulerunt Dominum
Psalmus: Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stand
A series of talks commenting on current legal issues
33-Profitless Murder
Talk by F. J. Odgers
Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Mr. Odgers considers the principles of public policy which prevent a murderer from taking a benefit on the death of his victim, and their application to bequests in wills and claims in insurance.
Joseph Weingarten (piano)
Six Pieces, Op. 41
Rhapsody in F sharp minor Rhapsody in C
A report on the Soviet point of view as expressed recently in the Soviet Press and broadcasts to the U.S.S.R.
Compiled by members of the BBC foreign news department
A reading from the latest Cantos of Ezra Pound by Denis Goacher , Marius Goring and Harold Lang
Produced by D. G. Bridson
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, In G played by Busch Chamber Players
Director, Adolf Busch and by Schola Cantorum Basiliensls Director, August Wenzinger on gramophone records
Concerto No. 4: Thursday at 8.15 followed by an interlude at 8.56
by Charles Cordier
Based on the extant fragments of ' The Samian Woman ' by Menander
Translated from the French by Joanna Richardson and Patric Dickinson
Music composed and conducted byAntony Hopkins
Characters in order of speaking:
The action takes place in Demeas's house in Athens and in the small square outside in the fourth century B.C.
Produced by Charles Lefeaux
The play is introduced by Gilbert Murray
Quintet in G minor (K.516) played by the Element Quartet with Herbert Downes (viola)
Talk by John Hale
It was not until the early sixteenth century that the military possibilities of gunpowder were fully understood. John Hale, Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, discusses the various ways in which Renaissance Europe faced the complex challenge — religious, political, social, even aesthetic-which the new weapons presented.