A discussion between
T. E. Utley and R. H. S. Crossman, M.P.
The Diary of the Man who Vanished in an English version by Bernard Keeffe
Richard Lewis (tenor)
Maureen Forrester (contralto)
Ernest Lush (piano) with members of the BBC Singers
A description of the way of life of Tikopia, one of the British Solomon Islands: presented through the poetry and music of Its people
Recorded and introduced by James Spillius
David King and Martina Mayne
Produced by Sasha Moorsom
Concerto No. 1, in F
Adolf Busch (violin)
Evelyn Rothwell (oboe)
Aubrey Brain (horn)
Francis Bradley (horn)
The Busch Chamber Players
Director. Adolf Busch on gramophone records
This is the first of a series of programme* in which all Bach's Brandenburg Concertos are to be played on records by the Busch Chamber Players and by the Schola Cantorum Basilicnsis. See 8.20 p.m.
A series of talks commenting on current legal issues
33-Profitless Murder
Talk by F. J. Odgera
Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge Mr. Odgers considers the principles of public policy which prevent a murderer from taking a benefit on the death of his victim, and their application to bequests in wills and claims in insurance.
Brandenburg Concerto No. 1, in F
Rodolfo Felicani (violino piccolo)
Helmut Winschermann (oboe)
Umberto Baccelli (corno da caccia)
Cesare Esposito (corno da caccia)
Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Director. August Wenzinger on gramophone records
by Thomas Dekker
Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Wilfrid Grantham
Music composed by Elizabeth Poston conducted by Douglas Robinson
Part 1
(Continued in next column)
Madmen: John Gabriel. Otaf Pooley. and T. St. John Barry with Bill Horsley. John Martin Noel Davis , Wyndham Milligan
Derek Holmes , Roderick Robertson and members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 9)
Thomas Dekker is believed to have contributed to as many as forty plays in that astonishing era of collaborative dramaturgy around the turn of the seventeenth century, but there survive less than a dozen works of which he can be said to have been the sole or principal author. The Honest Whore is one of them. Thomas Middleton is acknowledged to have had a hand in Part I, but Part 2, altogether more skilfully constructed and felicitously written, is probably Dekker's 'own unaided work.' The two Parts contain virtuaUy the same characters and are almost continuous in time, but each forms a complete play in itself. K. A. H.
Allegri String Quartet:
Eli Goren , James Barton
Patrick Ireland, William Pleeth
Margaret Good (piano)