A series of talks commenting on current legal issues
21—Clean Hands and the Rabbit Catcher
Talk by a barrister
He who comes into Equity must come with clean hands
This ancient maxim is still very much alive, though it is sometimes difficult to say just what conduct falls within its scope.
Sonata in G (1766)
Sonata in B minor (1776) played by Lamar Crowson (piano)
Second of three recitals of Haydn's piano sonatas played by Lamar Crowson
Last recital: August 6
A report on the Soviet point of view as expressed recently in the Soviet Press and broadcasts to the U.S.S.R.
Compiled by members of the BBC foreign news department
Louis Kentner (piano)
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader,Granville Jones )
Conducted by Basil Cameron
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
Part 1
Overture: Ruy Blas - Mendelssohn
7.42 app. The Walk to the Paradise Garden (A Village Romeo and Juliet) - Delius
7.63 app. Piano Concerto No. 2, in A - Liszt
8.18 app. Symphony No. 7 - Prokofiev
Three talks by Arnold Noach
1—George III and his Architectural Drawings
For some years Mr. Noach has been cataloguing King George Ill 's collection of architectural drawings, which are preserved in the Royal Library at Windsor. In this talk Mr. Noach gives some account of the unique character of this collection.
Part 2
A monodrama
A selection for radio made by Lord David Cecil with music composed and conducted by John Hotchkis
Reader, Marius Goring
Production by Frank Hauser
The Basil Lam Sonata Ensemble:
Patrick Halling (violin) Marjorie Lavers (violin)
Terence Weil (cello)
Basil Lam (harpsichord)
The two works by Jenkins have been transcribed by Basil Lam from manuscripts in the BritishMuseum. One of these manuscripts, possibly an autograph, contains several unnamed trio sonatas that may belong to the set of twelve sonatas by Jenkins, said to have been published in 1660, but never traced.