The Alexandra Orchestra
(Led by Emanuel Hurwitz )
Conductor, Denys Darlow
Charles Spinks
(harpsichord continuo)
Part 1
Talk by Geoffrey Sawer
Professor in the Australian National University, Canberra, Research School of Social Sciences
Part 2
Three talks by Elena Gerhardt
3-Hugo Wolf
Illustrated by the speaker's records and by her singing in the studio, accompanied by Joan Coombes
The songs discussed are
Auf einer Wanderung (Morike): Das verlassene Magdlein (Morike); Begegnung (Morike): Das Standchen (Eichendorff ) ; Wenn du zu den Blumen gehst (Spanisches Liederbuch): In dem Schatten meiner Locken (Spanisches Liederbuch).
Part 2
' Monstre Gai ' by Wyndham Lewis
SCENE: THE MAGNETIC CITY with Ivan Samson. Howard Rose
Cecil Brock. Joe Sterne and Gladys Spencer
Music composed and conducted by Walter Goehr
Produced by D. G. Bridson
Twelve Studies (Books 1 and 2) Pour les cinq doigts; Pour les tierces; Pour les quartes; Pour les sixtes; Pour lea octaves; Pour lea huit doigts Pour les degres chromatiques; Pour les agréments: Pour les notes repetees; Pour les sonorités opposées: Pour les arpeges composes; Pour les accords played by Nellie Wagenaar (piano)