A series of six talks
5-Between Two Worlds by Sybil Wingate
'Our present organisation has been an appointed staze in our growth it has been of good use and has enabled us to do great things, but the use is at an end and the stage is over (Matthew Arnold ).
Maria Lidka (violin)
Margaret Kitchin (piano)
The Denis East String Quartet:
Denis East (violin)
Raymond Keenlyside (violin)
Paul Katz (viola)
James Christie (cello)
Joan and Valerie Trimble
(two pianos)
Keith Kelsall , Senior Research Officer at the London School of Economics, talks about the principles of recruitment to the higher Civil Service in Great Britain. Mr. Kelsall, who has been making a detailed study of this profession, considers in particular whether it is now in all respects ouverte aux talents.
by Henry Fielding
Edited by Eric Ewens Narrator, David Peel with Patience Collier and Richard George
Produced by Christopher Sykes
A pastoral opera
Words by Lady Elizabeth Craven
Music by William Beckford
E. M. Forster speaks about the book by T. E. Lawrence which was completed in 1927 but has remained unpublished until today. It is an account of Lawrence's experiences in the ranks of the R.A.F.
An eighteenth-century ballad opera
Words by Prince Hoare
Music chiefly composed by Stephen Storace
(Also broadcast on Sunday)
A series of talks commenting on current legal issues
16-Avoidance of Death Duties and Control of Infants' Property by a barrister
Commotio (1931) played by Svend Aage Spange (organ)