(died 1654)
Modus ludendi pleno organo pedaliter Credo in unum Deum
Variations on Wehe, Windgen, wehe
Hymnus de nativitate Christi: A sons ortus cardine played by James Dalton (organ)
(' La Regina e gli Insorti )
A play by Ugo Betti
Translated from the Italian and adapted for radio by Henry Reed
Cast in order of speaking: with Aline Waites and Edward Kelsey Produced by Donald McWhinnie
The time is the present day; the scene, a large dilapidated room in the chief public building of a hillside village near the frontier. The action takes place in a single night. The country in which the play is set is unnamed: it is not meant to be Italy.
A series of seven talks illustrating the changes in English philosophy during this century
6--Construction and Analysis by P. F . Strawson
Fellow of University College, Oxford
A comparison between contemporary English and American schools of philosophy.
by Glyn Jones and T. J. Morgan
A translation of some ninth-century Welsh poems with a reconstructed narrative
Produced by Elwyn Evans
Louis Kaufman (violin) Frederick Stone (piano)