(unaccompanied violin)
Talk by Karl Popper
Nina Milkina (forte piano)
Seventh of twelve programmes
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conduoted by Eduard van Beinum
Part 1
Four talks on the Novel by Owen Holloway
4-Let's Pretend
Taking Don Quixote as his chief example the speaker oomments on the relation between fiction and reality.
Part 2
Symphony No. 4, in E flat (Romantic).
(A second performance of the concert broadcast yesterday)
The Counter-Reformation and Spanish Literature Talk by A. A. Parker
The religious orthodoxy imposed on Spain by the Counter-Reformation is generally considered to have plunged Spanish culture into spiritual gloom and intellectual stagnation. A. A. Parker , Professor of Spanish at London University, compares this opinion with the evidence offered by Spanish literature. He suggests that, in fact, there was during this period a free and deeper speculation on the nature of man and society.
Third of a group of talks
La Ninfa e ii Pastore
(Serenata a tre)
Milan Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Edwin Lohrer on gramophone records