A Dialogue of Elucidation between D. M. MacKinnon Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Aberdeen and A. G. N. Flew
Lecturer in Philosophy
In the University of Aberdeen
What does the creation myth in Genesis mean? To what literal propositions (if any) does it commit anyone who accepts it)
(The recorded broadcast of May 13)
6-Songs of Expanding America
Introduced by D. G. Bridson
Illustrated talk by C. H. Williams
Professor of History at King's College. London
‛ Just as tihe spirit of the Middle Ages can sometimes be gleaned more from close study of this carving and that gargoyle than from a survey of the whole cathedral pile,’ says the speaker, ' so there may be some feature in the Coronation S;rv ce which, by dose study, can bring us nearer to the essential spirit of the whole.' From this point of view Professor Williams talks about the ritual anointing of the Monarch and the legend of the holy oil in England.
Eileen Joyce (harpsichord)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
George Malcolm (harpsichord) Denis Vaughan (harpsichord)
A section of the London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Thomas Matthews )
Conducted by Boris Ord
From the Royal Festival Hall, London
Part 1
Kenneth de Lanerolle recalls scenes from his childhood in Ceylon
(concert continued)
Talk by Sir Mortimer Wheeler
Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces in the University of London
Sir Mortimer Wheeler describes the contributions made to modern archaeology by O.G S. Crawford, and particulady his pioneer work on the study of man in his relationship to the landscape and in the use of aerial observation and photography in the study df prehistoric agriculture. He explains Dr. Crawford's insistence on the importance of fieldwork. as set out in his recently published book Archaeology in the Field.
Sybil Copeland (violin) John Glickman (violin)
Arvon Davies (piano)
The Macgibbon String Quartet:
Margot Macgibbon (violin)
Lorraine du Val (violin)
Jean Stewart (viola) Lilly Phillips (cello)
by Alfred de Musset : with a verse translation by Norman Cameron
Read in English by Lvdia Sherwood and Robert Eddison , and in French by Tania Balachova and Julien Bertheau. Programme arranged and presented by Rayner Heppenstall
Schola Polyphonlca
Director. Henry Washington
Ralph Downes (organ)