Iris Loveridge (piano)
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
- Talk by Sean O'Faolain
Transcribed and introduced by Elizabeth Cole
Elizabeth Cooper (soprano)
BBC Singers
Leslie Woodgate London Consort of Viols:
Harry Danks. Stanley Wootton
Sylvia Putterill , Robert Doniington
Henry Revell
Modern research has established Francis Tregian the younger as the compiler of the Fotzwilliam Virginal Book. The British Museum has recently acquired another important volume of music in his hand containing more than a thousand works for three, four, and five voices or instrumental consort. Most of the ninety-seven composers represented are Italian, some of whom are quite unknown; but there are also lost works by Caccini, Peter Philips , and Richard Dering , and by Tregian himself. Tonight, after 340 years, some of this music wiU be heard for the first time.
Elizabeth Cole
A Dialogue of Elucidation between D.M. MacKinnon, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Aberdeen and A.G.N. Flew, Lecturer in Philosophy in the University of Aberdeen
What does the creation myth in Genesis mean? To what literal propositions (if any) does it commit anyone who accepts it?
String Quartet in B flat, Op. 1 No. 2 played by the Leon Pascal Quartet on gramophone records
' So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years-
Twenty years largely wasted, the years of /'entre deux guerres—
Trying to use words.....' (T. S. Eliot )
A selective survey of English poetry in the 1920s by Patric Dickinson
Narrator. Felix Felton
Others takir.g part:
Janeit Davifs
Derek Birch. Hugh Burden
Norman Claridge Valentine Dyall
Malcolm Graeme. Derek Hart Anthony Jacobs. Noel Johnson
Lionel Marson ,Eric Phillips
John Phillips , Geoffrey Wincott
Production by Joe Burroughs
In this personal anthology Paric Dickin son sets out his impressions of what happened 10 English poetry in the 1920s, a decade, he says, thai can more truly be called the beginning of th; twentieth cntury than the years 1900-1918.
Nadine Sautereau (soprano)
Roland Puig (violin)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Alexander Halpern, who at the out-break of the Bolshevik Revolution was General Secretary of the Provisional Government in Russia, talks about Hugh Seton-Watson's book published last autumn.
Variations on Folk Songs
An Austrian Air, Op. 105 No. 3 (A Schuesserl und a Remderl); An Irish Air, Op. 107 No. 4 (St. Patrick* Day); A Scottish Air, Op. 107 No. 8 (Mary Morison ); A Scottish Air, Op. 107 No. 10 (The Highland Watch) ; A Tyrolean Air, Op. 107 No. 1 (I bin a Tiroler Bua) played by Peter Stadlen (piano)