Sonata played by Alfred Cave (violin)
Leonard Dight (violin)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Natalie Moya reads a chapter from the novel by Turgenev. (The translation is by Gilbert Gardiner ) flee also Saturday at 8.50 and 9.50
Historia Balthasar
Rex Assyriorum'
John Wynton (tenor) John Duncan (tenor)
Alexander Henderson (bass)
BBC Chorus
Martindale Sidwell (organ)
Jacques String Orchestra
(Leader, Irene Richards )
Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Giovanni Giacomo Carissimi (1604-1674) produced a remaikable number of Latin oratorios during his choirmastcrship at the church of S. Apollinare in Rome. He excelled in choral writing and made the most of what were essentially naive harmonic effects. This version of the story of Belshazzar has ample rhythmic vitality and a fresh and unique melodic charm. Tense dramatic situations such as Daniel's translation of the writing on the wall receive only the slightest musical stress: here Canssimi has been content to set the three mysierious words and their translauon on rising degiees of the scale.
Denis Stevens
by R. S. J. Hawes
Dr. Hawes is an English scientist who has been concerned with studies, in the field and in the laboratory, on the ancient fauna found in the caves of southern Europe and especially in (he karst limestone of Yugoslavia. In this talk he discusses these creatures—mostly grotesque and blind and often colourless-and the ways in which they have been modified by an underground existence lasting millions of years.
Elsa Cavelti (contralto)
Max Rostal (violin)
Philharmonia Orchestra
(Leader, Max Salpeter )
Conducted by Paul Sacher
Part 1
Peter de Mendelssohn , lately returned from Germany, reports on some recent theatrical events and controversies in divided Berlin
(Concert continued)
(Given before an Invited audience In the Concert Hall. Broadcasting House, London. Programme arranged In co-operatton with the London Contemporary Music Centre)
Comment on an American letter from Korea, by Christopher Salmon , who is at present lecturing at the Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
An excursion into literature and mythology
Written and produced by Terence Tiller with music composed and directed by John Hotchkis and Olive Gregg
The Bird's Song sung by Marjorie Westbury
The Orphan's Song sung by Molly Lawson
Gretchen's Song sung by Olive Greg
Piano Quintet in F minor played by Rudolf Serkin (piano) Busch String Quartet on gramophone records
Readings from
'The Prophecy of Famine