Sonata for piano played by Liza Fuchsova
The Rev. W. A. Whitehouse , Reader in Divinity at Durham University, reviews the recently published book by Monsignor R. A. Knox entitled ' Enthusiasm '
From Westminster Cathedral
Talk by 0. H. K. Spate ,
Reader in Geography
In the University of London
An examination of some of the problems involved in making two ears of corn grow where one grew before
Second of three talks
Written and narrated by Honor Tracy with Cecile Chevreau as the Correspondent
Kyrie: Gloria: Credo;
Sanctus: Agnus Dei
Dorothy Bond (soprano)
Elsie Suddaby (soprano)
Richard Lewis (tenor)
Trevor Anthony (bass)
BBC Choral Society
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Paul Beard)
Conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt.
Three illustrated talks by Edward Sackville-West
3--Schumann's Carnaval as recorded by Arrau, Cortot. Adelina de Lara, Myra Hess , and Rachmaninov
A series oftenreadings from the English translation by Rene Hague
2-The treachery of Guenelun in the camp of the pagan king Marsiliun, and Guenelun's return to Charles's army
Reader.Hallam Fordham
Music specially composed by Antony Hopkins
Everard van Royen (flute)
Haakon Stotijn (oboe and cor anglais)
Paul Godwin (violin)
Johan van Helden (viola)
Carel van Leeuwen Boomkamp (cello)
Gusta van Royen (harpsichord)
Social Mobility and Social Change
Talk by David Glass ,
Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics