Prelude and Fugue in C
Chorale Prelude: SchmUcke dich, O liebe Seele
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor played by David Willcocks (organ)
From Salisbury Cathedral
Talk by Dr. Allan Fraser , of Aberdeen University
Dr. Fraser follows up yesterday's talk on cattle by W. A. Stewart and considers the vicissitudes of the sheep industry in Scotland. These talks together review Scotland s position as the natural store country ot Britain.
Lyrical comedy in three acts
(after ' The Merry Wives of Windsor')
Music by Verdi
Cast in order of singing:
Neighbours. Ford's servants maskers as elves, fairies, witches
Sadler's Wells Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leo Quayle )
Sadler's Wells Orchestra
(Leader. Walter Price)
Conductor. Michael Mudie
Production by Tyrone Guthrie
From Sadler's Wells Theatre. London. (By arrangement with the Governors)
Act 1
Scene 1: A room in the Garter Inn Scene 2: The garden of Ford's house
7.40 Interval
7.50 Act 2
Scene 1: A room in the Garter Inn Scene 2: A room in Ford's house
8.40 Interval
8.50 Act 3
Scene 1: Outside the Garter Inn
Scene 2: In the Forest of Windsor
Golf, Dickens, and Women's Suffrage in 1913 by Bernard Darwin with Denise Bryer , Roger Delgado Richard George
Donald Gray Stanley Groome. David Markham Derek Prentice. Gladys Spencer
Produced by Rayner Heppenstall
Quartet in C, Op. 54 No. 2 played by the Amadeus String Quartet:
Norbert Brainin (violin) Siegmund Nissel (violin)
Peter Schidlof (viola) Martin Lovett (cello)
First of a series of six recitals of Haydn's string quartets, devised by William Glock
Talk by Yvette Guyot , who has recently returned to Paris from Cairo
Suite for viola and piano played by William Primrose (viola)
Fritz Kitzinger (piano) on gramophone records