Fantasy in C. Op. 159 played by Adolf Busch (violin) and Rudolf Serkin (piano) on gramophone records
A story by George Orwell , read by Arthur Bush.
Serenade, Op. 44 played by The London Wind Players
Vivian Joseph (cello)
J. Edward Merrett (double-bass)
Conducted by Harry Blech
Talk by Walter Allen
In this survey of the fiction published in this country since the end of the war, Walter Allen speaks both as a novelist and a critic Whatever the inadequacies of contemporary fiction, he maintains, there can be no return to the manner of the past.
Piano Sonata in G. No. 6
Piano Sonata in G minor. No. 44 played by Nina Milkina
First of six recitals of Haydn's piano sonatas, devised by William Glock.
by Henri Ghéon
Translated by Frank de Jonge
Deryck Guyler , David Peel
Howieson Culff , Sybil Arundale
Gabrielle Blunt
Production by Raymond Raikes
An oratorio for solo voices, chorus, organ, and orchestra
Text from the Gospels and the writings of St. Augustine
English version by Basil Douglas
Joan Cross (soprano)
Mary Jarred (contralto)
Peter Pears (tenor)
Robert Irwin (baritone) Trevor Anthony (bass)
BBC Choral Society
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Paul Beard ) Geraint Jones (organ)
Conducted by Ernest Ansermet (first performance In England)
Harold Rutland writes on page 6
Part 1
Father, how far hast thou loved us all! (St. Augustine, Confessions Book 10, chapter 43)
The Entry into Jerusalem (St. Augustine. Meditation 7)
The Discourse in the Temple (St.
Matthew 23, w. 1-4. 13, 27-39; St-Augustine. Meditation 41)
The Last Supper (St. Luke 22, vv. 14-
16; St. John 13. w. 1, 2. 21-30; St Luke 22, w. 19. 20. 39)
Gethsemane (St. Mark 14 w. 32-43,
45, 46, 48-50; St. Luke 22. v. 53; St. Augustine. Meditation 5)'
by Canon E. S. Abbott
Dean of King's College, London
Where could I find my beloved (St. Augustine. Meditation 41)
Jesus before the Sanhedrin (St. Augustine. Meditation 7)
Jesus before Pilate (St. John 18. vv. 28-31, 33-40; 19. vv. 1-7. 15. 16)
Caivary (St. John 19. vv. 17-19. 23-30; St Augustine. Meditation 6)
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (Exsultet for Holy Saturday Morning: St. Augustine. Meditations 15 and 18)
Philip Carr gives his recollections and an appreciation of the artist John Sargent
Soneto a Cdrdoba, for voice and harp Fantasia Baetica , for piano
Psyche, for voice, flute, harp. violin. viola, and cello
Concerto, for harpsichord. flute, oboe. clarinet, violin, and cello
Oda Slobodskaya (soprano)
Edward Walker (flute) Leon Goossens (oboe)
Stephen Waters (clarinet)
David Martin (violin)
Eileen Grainger (violin) Bernard Richards (cello)
Iris Loveridge (piano)
George Malcolm (harpsichord)
Marie Korchinska (harp)
Conducted by Trevor Harvey