An oratorio for solo voices, chorus, organ, and orchestra
Text from the Gospels and the writings of St. Augustine
English version by Basil Douglas
Joan Cross (soprano)
Mary Jarred (contralto)
Peter Pears (tenor)
Robert Irwin (baritone) Trevor Anthony (bass)
BBC Choral Society
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Paul Beard ) Geraint Jones (organ)
Conducted by Ernest Ansermet (first performance In England)
Harold Rutland writes on page 6
Part 1
Father, how far hast thou loved us all! (St. Augustine, Confessions Book 10, chapter 43)
The Entry into Jerusalem (St. Augustine. Meditation 7)
The Discourse in the Temple (St.
Matthew 23, w. 1-4. 13, 27-39; St-Augustine. Meditation 41)
The Last Supper (St. Luke 22, vv. 14-
16; St. John 13. w. 1, 2. 21-30; St Luke 22, w. 19. 20. 39)
Gethsemane (St. Mark 14 w. 32-43,
45, 46, 48-50; St. Luke 22. v. 53; St. Augustine. Meditation 5)'