Arda Mandikian (soprano)
First Delphic Hymn
Second Delphic Hymn Hymn to the Muses Hymn to Nemesis Hymn to the Sun
Epitaph of Seikilos
Introduced by Alan Collingridge
Talk by Lord Kinross
The speaker, who recently returned from a visit to the Middle East, describes the internal problems of Syria and comments on the country's external relationships, particularly with the neighbouring Arab states.
Piano Sonata in A minor, Op. 143 played by Franz Osborn
Fifth of a series of programmes of Schubert's piano music
(Second series. No. 10)
Edited by Rayner Heppenstall
'Ibsen in Italy'
Written for broadcasting by T. C. Worsley
Produced by Robert Gittings
1867. Ibsen in Ischia encounters a fellow-expatriate whose life might have been quite other than it is.
Other Ibsen programmes: Gerik Schjelderup reviews a new biography of the dramatist by his daughter-in-law Bergliot Ibsen which was recently published in Norway (December 20); Ralph Richardson. Gladys Young , and Marjorie Westbury in the recorded production of ' Peer Gynt ' directed by Tyrone Guthrie and Peter Cres well, originally broadcast in 1943 (December 21, 24): Baliol Holloway in ' Pillars of Society ' (January 1. 4)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Guest conductor, Daniel Jones
Part 1
(first broadcast performance) Conducted by the composer
The Romans and their Legacy by the Rev.
M. P. Charlesworth , F.B.A.
Fellow and President of St. John's College and Reader in Ancient History at Cambridge; one of the editors of the Cambridge Ancient History
Fourth of eight talks
Part 2
A reconstruction by Basil Wright and J. Isaacs
In December 1929 S. M. Eisenstein , director of The Battleship Potemkin ' and ' The General Line,* was invited to London by the Film Society to give a series of lectures on the theory and practice of film-making. The lectures were never printed, but Basil Wright and J. Isaacs have attempted to reconstruct Eisenstein's arguments from notes they took at the time.
Quintet in F minor, Op. 34 played by the Blech String Quartet:
Harry Blech (violin)
Lionel Bentley (violin)
Keith Cummings (viola) Douglas Cameron (cello)
Clifford Curzon (piano)
Story by Ignazio Silone
Read by Selma Vaz Dias