The London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Hamilton Harty : Overture, Beatrice and Benedict (Berlioz)
Eide Norena (soprano): Mad
Scene (Hamlet) (Thomas)
The London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Hamilton party : Romeo's Reverie and Fete of the Capulets (Romeo and Juliet) (Berlioz)
Geraldine Feraldy (soprano), and Georges Thill (tenor): Tomb Scene -Act 5 (Romeo and Juliet) (Gounod)
February Number
(A recording of the broadcast in the Midland programme on February 16)
' The Thoroughbred'
J. B. Robertson , M.R.C.V.S.
by Bessie Rawlins (violin) and Reginald Paul (pianoforte)
Bessie Rawlins and Reginald Paul have been associated for many years now, and have been coming to the microphone in their recitals four or five times a year for some time past.
Reginald Paul was trained in music from the age of six until he went to school. After gaining a scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music he made his debut in London at the Steinway Hall in 1921. He gives recitals every year at the Wigmore Hall, both solo and with his Pianoforte Quartet, which he formed in 1932. Bessie Rawlins shares with her co-broadcaster today an early musical education, having started to study the violin when six years old. She is essentially a chamber-music player, and has recently started a new combination called the Corda Quartet.
at the organ of the Granada,
Welling Favourites, Old and New
A Russian Village Fête Your Green Eyes
Rumanian Folk Songs
Chytarma (Song and Dance of the Crimean Tartars)
No No
Hungarian Folk Songs
(All items are traditional and are arranged by Yascha Krein )
Today Yascha Krein , Russian-born musician, will come to the microphone with his Gypsy Orchestra for one of his bi-monthly broadcasts. His orchestra, which consists of three violins, cello, bass, piano, piano-accordion, szimbalon, is noted for the gay light-hearted character of its music.
Yascha Krein himself has been playing in this country for thirty-four years. He played in the old Queen's Hall Orchestra under Sir Henry Wood. and has led a Viennese Orchestra in Scotland, also the Russian Imperial Orchestra, which played at a well-known West-End hotel from 1910 to 1921. It was here that he discovered that English people are extremely fond of Hungarian Gypsy music and Russian traditional music, of which he has made a special study.
The BBC Singers (B):
Sybilla Marshall Bettine Young Anne Wood Winifred Downer Rene Soames Emlyn Bebb Victor Utting 'Victor Harding
Conductor, Les-k Woodgate
(All edited by E. H. Fellowes )
The BBC Welsh Orchestra
Leader, Frank Thomas
Conductor, Idris Lewis
Gwent Lewis (tenor) GWENT LEWIS Songs * GWENT LEWIS Songs