For Thought and Prayer during the Silence -
In remembrance of those who made the great sacrifice, O God, make us better men and women, and give us peace in our time
The Last Post
Short Service
Conducted by the Right Rev. and Right Hon. the Lord Bishop of London
Hymn, O God, our help in ages past (A. and M. 165 ; S.P. 598. First four and last verses)
Collect and Lord's Prayer
The Reveille
God Save The King
Major-General Sir Fabian Ware.
K.C.V.O., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G.
by E. H. Emery from St. Comgall's Parish Church,
Bangor, County Down
with Helen Raymond
Eddie Guery
The Three Billy Boys
Talks by visitors from the Dominions and Colonies
Under the direction of Johan Hock from Queen's College Chambers Lecture Hall, Birmingham
A Vocal and Pianoforte Recital by Nan Maryska and Eric Hope
Alice Clayton (accompanist)
Travel Talk
' The Orient'
' Hitch-hiking from Baghdad to
Edith Lorand and her Viennese
Orchestra: Selection, Paganini (Part 2) (Lehár)
Peggy Wood (soprano): I'll see you again. Dear Little Café (Bitter Sweet) (Coward)
Marek Weber and his Orchestra :
Waltz (Les Cloches de Corneville) (Planquette)
Junior English
' Saul becomes David's
Enemy '
This programme will be built round a recorded description of the State Opening of Parliament
' The Epicureans '
with Diana Clare
A gramophonic episode by Stan Patchett
including Weather Forecast
by Mabel and Denis Constanduros
Everyday happenings in an everyday household
The sixth incident :
'Discussing Business'
(by permission of O'Bryen, Linnil, and Dunfec)
Production by Howard Rose
Wilfrid Roberts, M.P.
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Lance Fairfax (baritone)
Elsie Suddaby (soprano)
Redvers Llewellyn (baritone)
The BBC Choral Society
Chorus master, Leslie Woodgate
The BBC Orchestra
(Section B)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
(Poem by J. Addington Symonds )
(Solo baritone, REDVERS LLEWELLYN )
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
A programme compiled by Val Gielgud from the prose of Winston S. Churchill, Stephen McKenna, John Masefield, T.E. Lawrence, Guy Chapman , and Lord Dunsany and from the poems of Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Wilson Gibson, A.E. Housman, Edward Shanks, Laurence Binyon, Lord Dunsany, and Wilfred Owen with music selected by Leslie Woodgate and Maurice Brown from the works of Holst, Delius, Elgar, and Wagner
Jan van der Gucht (tenor)
The English Ensemble :
Marjorie Hayward (violin)
Rebecca Clarke (viola)
May Mukle (violoncello)
Kathleen Long (pianoforte)