@ From page 21 of ' New Every Morning '
@ for Farmers and Shipping
E. M. Delafield
The author of ' The Diary of a Provincial Lady ' continues her commentary on the everyday happenings in her Devonshire home and village. Today she has something to say about the out-door side of home-life.
(Western Programme)
@ German for Fifth Forms
Schlesien (Deutsche Gebiete)
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
(From the Acts of the Apostles to the Reformation)
16-The Papacy and the Holy
Roman Empire
T. S. R. Boase, Professor of the History of Art in the University of London and Director of the Courtauld Institute
Leader, Frank Thomas
Conductor, Idris Lewis
@ Gramophone records of popular tunes you all remember
@ from the Chelsea Parish Church of St. Luke
William H. Harris
@ Science and Gardening
Plant Growth
Seed Sowing
2.25 @ Interval Music
2.30 Music First Year
@ Minor (Lah) Mode. The Triplet
from the Savoy Hotel, London
Ⓓ Early Stages in German
Ⓓ at the Organ of. the Granada,
Woolwich Popular Medley
The Lener String Quartet and Loeser-Lebert (pianoforte) : Quintet in E flat for pianoforte and strings,
Op. 44 (Schumann)-l Allegro. 2 In modo d'un marcia-Agitato. 3 Scherzo. 4 Allegro
including Weather Forecast
' The Instruments of the Orchestra', 1
Constant Lambert
Constant Lambert's talks on ' The Instruments of the Orchestra ' are not intended to be directly technical, but are addressed to the ordinary listener. The chief aim is to help listeners to appreciate and understand the subtleties of orchestral colour, and the characteristics of various combinations of instruments. This evening's talk and the one to be given next week will be devoted to the wood-wind family, and ' an interesting point will be the use of the oboes in Handel's time, when they were used much in the same way as trumpets, and the modern conception of the oboe as a soft delicate, and pastoral instrument.
The fourth talk will be concerned with the brass section, the fifth with the strings, and the sixth with percussion.
presented by Harry S. Pepper and Douglas Moodie
Singing Commere, Judy Shirley
Jack Simpson
Inspector Hornleigh Investigates
(S. J. Warmington as Inspector Hornleigh)
No. 29, ' The Chatham Mystery ' by Hans W. Priwin
Puzzle Corner
? ? ? Guess ? ? ?
That Certain Trio
Tom Webster
' The Week's Sport'
Judy Canova with Annie and Zeke
The BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Mark H. Lubbock
A ' Conversation in the Studio ' with Tom Webster will be found on page 8
' The Documentary Film'
John Grierson and H. Hodge
Listeners will- be interested to hear the views of the man who was a pioneer in the idea of making short films dealing with industrial life, social problems, agricultural work, and so forth, and who was the first to call them ' documentary ' films.
About ten years ago John Grierson went to the Empire Marketing Board as Film Officer. There he made many of these films, which have been shown all over the country. When the Empire Marketing Board closed down, Grierson joined the General Post Office as Film Officer, taking his unit with him. During that time he was responsible for the film of the BBC called The Voice of Britain. Last May he left the Post Office to become a director of Film Centre, for which he acts in an advisory capacity.
A Romantic Melodrama by Alexandre Dumas
Adapted for broadcasting as a dramatic serial by Patrick Riddell and produced by Peter Creswell
No. 8, "The 21st of May
Persons of the Play
(By permission of H. M. TennentLid. )
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
the Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain from the Mansion House
Keith Falkner (baritone)
Eda Kersey (violin)
Six readings of poems selected by James Stephens and read by James Stephens and Christopher Salmon
No. 2—Pure Poetry
from the May Fair Hotel
Eddie Carroll and his Orchestra