from Govan Old Parish Church
Order of Service
Paraphrase No. 61 (Tune, Praetorius)
Call to Prayer. Prayer, and Lord's
Hymn, When morning gilds the skies
(Rv. C.H. 167) (A. and M. 303)
Lesson Creed
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn, Jesus stand among us (Rv. C.H.
Address by the Rev. GEORGE F. MACLEOD , M.C.
Paraphrase No. 60 (Tune : Salzburg)
The Blessing
, at 10.30
for Farmers and Shipping
from Horeb Methodist Church, Bangor
Order of Serines
Hymn 604, Gorchudd ar dy bethau mawrion (Tune, Pennant)
Children's Song, Clychau'n Canu
Hymn 188, lesu, lesu, 'r wyt ti'n ddigon (Tune, Llwynbedw)
Anthem, Teilwng yw'r Oen (Handel)
Hymn 40, Glan geriwbiaid a seraffiaid (Tune, Sanctus)
Address by the Rev. E. Tegla Davies
Hymn 575, Ymncilltuwch bethau'r ddaear (Tune, St. Elisabeth)
Choirmaster, D. R. ELLIS
The Hymns and Tunes from Llyfr Emynau y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd a Wesleaidd (Calvinistic Methodist and Wesleyan Hymn Book)
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, E. Godfrey Brown
Gethym Wykeham-George (violoncello)
Conductor, Colonel George Fuller
Stanley Pope (baritone)
A Schumann Programme
Des Abends (Eventide) Aufschwung (Soaring)
Kinderszenen (Scenes from Childhood)
1. About Foreign Lands and Peoples; 2. A Strange Story ; 3. Hide and Seek; 4. The Pleading Child;
5. As happy as can be; 6. An Important Event; 7. Dreaming ; 8. The Ingle-nook; 9. The Knight of the Hobby-horse; 10. Almost too Serious; 11. Rather Frightening;, 12. The Child falls Asleep; 13. The Poet Muses
, at 4.30
Joan and Betty's Bible Story byE. R. APPLETON ,
West and West of England Regional
'The Story of Joseph '—Part I
(From Cardiff)
The Rev. John Maillard , Warden of the House of Prayer, is soon to open Milton Abbey-one of the loveliest and oldest abbeys in the country, which was founded by King Athelstan in the tenth century as a monastery for secular clergy -as a centre of healing.
Today Mr. Maillard is to describe his work and he will try to clear up several popular misconceptions about what is known as ' Spiritual Healing '. On May 3 Father Arendzen is to speak on this subject, and on May 17 the final talk in the series will be given by a practising medical psychologist.
The Rev. Canon A. C. DEANE
The recent publication of the Report of the Archbishop's Commission on Church and State has revived discussion of the Establishment of the Church. Today Canon Deane, well-known for his broadcasts in ' Pillars of the English Church ' and ' Treasures of the Bible ' and for his talk on ' Church and King ', on the occasion of King George's Silver Jubilee, is to explain what is meant by Establishment and Disestablishment and the issues at stake. The case for ending the Establishment will be presented by the Bishop of Durham on April 19, and its retention will be defended by Sir Thomas Inskip on May 3.
Winifred Small (violin); Kathleen Moorhouse (violoncello); Maurice Cole
' Going to the Theatre'
The chances of the invention of any apparatus similar to H. G. Wells 's Time Machine are extremely remote. With a historical guide like Harold Child-the well-known author and journalist and writer on The Times-the need is considerably lessened. Hearing his talk this evening, listeners will be fascinated by the ease with which he can transport his hearers back to the London of George III. They will be taken to a performance at Drury Lane Theatre—how different from a West End playhouse of today !and then escorted home with the help of a linkboy's torch.
Life goes on ; the act remains the same, and only the manner of it changes. In his next talk in this series, on May 3, Arthur Bryant is to discuss how we travelled in days gone by.
LAURI KENNEDY (violoncello)
from the Studio
Conducted by the Rev. J.S. Whale, President of Cheshunt College, Cambridge
Order of Service
Hymn, Praise to the Holiest (A. and M: 172; S.P.625)
Reading, Job i, 1-3, 6-21
Hymn, The King of Love (A. and M. 197; S.P. 654)
The Rev. J. S. WHALE
' If the world is rational, how are we to account for the appalling moral and physical evils within it ? ' In four talks-today and on April 26 and May 3 and 17-the Rev. J. S. Whale, whom listeners will remember for his valuable contribution to ' The Way to God ' series, will give a survey of the answers that man has for centuries given to this very vexed question.
An appeal on behalf of THE THEATRE Girls' Havre, PARIS, by the Rev. Prebendary F. A. Cardew
In his early days in Paris, as Chaplain of St. George's Church, Prebendary Cardew was closely associated with Lord Radstock, who provided a small hostel in the rue du Faubourg Montmartre. Here British girls working in the Paris theatres could live in cheerful surroundings at small cost. This little home existed until Lord Radstock's death in 1913, and Prebendary Cardew kept it going through the worst days of the war, until he was able to purchase a larger home in the rue Duperre in 1918. The third home which replaced this is in a more important position, in the rue d'Artois ; and it is for this and its permanent establishment that Prebendary Cardew is to appeal this evening.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]
including Weather Forecast
, at 9.0
VIVIEN LAMBELET (soprano) from the Park Lane Hotel
ORCHESTRA Selection of Songs by Landon Ronald At the pianoforte, J. A. BYFIELD