From page 84 of ' When Two or Three'
At the Organ of The Trocadero Cinema,
Elephant and Castle
Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin
(pianofortes) : Suite No. 2, for two Pianofortes, Op. 17 (Rachmaninov)— Introduction; Waltz ; Romance ; Tarantelle. Waltz from Suite for two pianofortes (Arensky)
MAY MooRE (soprano)
Relayed from The Troxy Cinema
Commentaries by Commander D. A. STRIDE , R.N. and Lieut.-Commander R. WOODROOFFE ,
Relayed from
H.M.S. Royal Sovereign, Spithead
The Royal Yacht, Victoria and Albert, leaves Portsmouth Harbour and H.M. The King receives the Royal Salute
Casals (violoncello) : Minuet (Haydn, arr. Piatti)
Cortot (pianoforte), Thibaud (violin),
Casals (violoncello) : Trio in G (Haydn) —I. Andante con variazioni ; 2. Poco adagio cantabile ; 3. Rondo all' ongarese (Presto)
Commentaries by Commander D. A. STRIDE , R.N. and Lieut.-Commander !R. WOODROOFFE,
Relayed from
H.M.S. Royal Sovereign, Spithead
H.M. The King in the Royal Yacht reviews the Fleet and passes H.M.S.
Royal Sovereign
Queenie Dyer (violin); Kathleen Riddick (violoncello); Daphne Serre (pianoforte)
Commentaries by Commander D. A. STRIDE , R.N. and Lieut.-Commander R. WOODROOFFE ,
Relayed from
H.M.S. Royal Sovereign, Spithead
H.M. The King in the Royal Yacht returns down the line of battleships and the Air Arm flies past
Directed by HENRY HALL
including Weather Forecast and Bulletin for Farmers
A Commentary by Captain H. B. T. WAKELAM on the Third Test Match
Relayed from Headingley, Leeds
Songs by the Udine group from the Alpine region of Italy :
Caro Compari fei sto cuor (To the dear companion I showed my heart)
. La plaza de Avian Je lungia (I wandered round the square of Avian)
Songs and Dance Songs by the Neapolitan dancers and musicians : Luna nova (The new moon) Mare chiaro (The calm sea)
Surriento gentile (Charming Sorrento)
Neapolitan Mandoline Song
Songs and Dance tunes by the group from Forli, in North Tuscany : Fugareini
La Fasulera (The Maid of Forli)
The group from Rome will sing:
Roman Folk Songs
in ' The Music of Men's Lives '
A Silver Jubilee Programme
Devised and Written by COMPTON MACKENZIE
(.See below)
Here, briefly, is the outline of ' The Music of Men's Lives'. In this year of grace, 1935, Margaret's daughter Nancy makes a successful stage debut in a Jubilee revue. At the theatre Margaret meets Richard, a former lover, with whom she had been on the stage many years ago. Margaret and Richard go to supper at a night club and, while waiting for the heroine of the evening to join them, begin to recall the happy past: Margaret in revue; Margaret and Richard in melodrama ; Caruso at Covent Garden ; a railway journey back from Ascot in 1912; a dance in 1913, with Margaret falling in love with Robert ; Richard off to the war ; Robert and Richard meeting by chance at a concert-party show in France ; Margaret as a dance-teacher in the crazy post-war Age of the Dance ; Margaret struggling for work in film studios : Margaret acting for the B B C : through the adventures of these two, we see the change in music and entertainment over twenty-five years.
' The Music of Men's Lives' will be repeated in the Regional programme tomorrow night
including Weather Forecast and Fore- cast for Shipping
MARGUERITE NATALIA (soprano) (First Performance)
This programme of chamber music has several very interesting features. Firstly, the Trio consists of three first-rate young artists : Jean Pougnet , a brilliant violinist well-known to listeners as a soloist and chamber music player; Anthony Pini , one of Britain's finest 'cellists ; and Angus Morrison , who has worked his way to the front rank of the younger British school of pianists. Finally, William Primrose , for whose magnificent viola playing Tertis has expressed the highest admiration. The programme opens with the first performance of a Piano Quartet by Guy Weitz , the eminent organist. This would appear to be a new departure for Mr. Weitz, whose compositions have been chiefly confined to the organ.
The Illuminations at Spithead
A description by Lieut.-Commander R. WOODROOFFE , R.N., of the Illuminations of the Fleet and Fireworks
Relayed from
H.M.S. Royal Sovereign, Spithead