From page 75 of 'When Two or Three'
IRENE NOEL BAKER : ' To be a Land-lord in Greece '
At The Organ of The Plaza Cinema, Swansea
A Vocal and Pianoforte Recital
Harriet Cohen (pianoforte) : Sonata in C (Mozart)—I. Allegro moderato; 2. Andante Cantabile ; 3. Allegretto
Heinrich Rehkemper (baritone): The
Rat's Death Song and The Stork's
Message (Hugo Wolf )
Sigfrid Grundeis (pianoforte) : Leggierezza (Concert Etude) (Liszt)
Leader, Frank Thomas
Haydn Adams (tenor)
An Eye-witness Account of the third Test Match by HOWARD MARSHALL
Relayed from Old Trafford, Manchester
Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies (soprano) with Septet conducted by Herbert Menges : Incidental Music, Richard of Bordeaux (Menges)
The New Light Symphony Orchestra with Chorus : Incidental Music, Mary Rose (O'Neill) (Prelude ; Call; Call of the Islands ; Interlude)
Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, conducted by Piero Coppola : Incidental Music, Shylock (Fauré) (Entr'acte ; Fpithalame ; Nocturne; Finale)
Directed by Guy Daines
Relayed from
The Pavilion Gardens,
Buxton Time Signal, Greenwich, at 16.45 (4.45)
REGINALD PAUL (pianoforte)
The B.B.C. Dance Orchestra
Directed by Henry Hall
5.15 Daventry
The Children's Hour
Songs by Stuart Hibberd
' The Strange Story of the Dancing Cow', by Pern Fay , told by Barbara
'Swan Upping', by R. H. Turk
(Swan Herdsman)
It makes a pretty picture on a summer morning - six boats leaving the Vintry Wharf at Southwark, with banners flying; the men of two boats in scarlet and white, of two in green and white, and of two in blue. All that colour against the greyness of the wharves.
What are they doing? Where are they going? Why are they dressed like that?
It all belongs to history, and Mr. R.H. Turk, whose family belongs to history, too, is to tell you all about it this afternoon. How the swans are Royal. How the male swan is a cob, and the female a pen (a quill was a swan's feather), and a flock of swans a 'game'. How the swans on the Thames are the largest and tamest of all the swans, how they can break your arm with their wings all the same, how they are caught and marked, and how many a swan gives a man a ducking.
Swan Upping is the name given to the ceremony of catching and marking the swans. 'Swan up' is called when a brood is sighted, and the boats close it in. The men are called 'Uppers'. The watermen from whom they are recruited salute the King's Swan Keeper - one of Mr. Turk's brothers - with 'Up oars', and cheer his Majesty the King under the walls of Windsor Castle. Mr. Turk himself is 'Swan Herdsman' or swan marker to the Vintners' Company. One of his duties was to catch up all the swans on Henley Reach before the Regatta.
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers
An Eye-witness Account of the third
Relayed from Old Trafford, Manchester
(North Regional Programme)
The Wireless Male Voice Chorus
Conducted by Edwin Benbow
Stuart Robertson (bass)
At the pianoforte, Ernest Lush
Old Noah (British Students Song Book)
Man is for the woman made (British Students Song Book)
Some folks like to sigh (British Students Song Book)
The Slacker's Lament (British Students Song Book)
Bonnie wee thing (British Students Song Book)
The West End Perk (British Students Song Book)
The Drunken Sailor (British Students Song Book)
O Rogerum! (British Students Song Book)
Santa Lucia (British Students Song Book)
Directed by Frank Cantell
Gilbert Astin (baritone)
(Midland Regional Programme)
The Famous Comedian in 'Entertainment Hour' with HASCHEN KHAN
Weather Forecast; Second General News Bulletin
Marjorie Hayward (violin); Rebecca Clarke (viola); May Mukle (violoncello) ; Kathleen Long (pianoforte)
SOPHIE WYSS (sogsnmo)
Directed by CHARLES KUNZ
Relayed from CASANI'S CLUB
Shipping Forecast, on Daventry only, at 23.00 (n.o)