From page 51 of ' When Two or Three'
Directed by Joseph Muscant
Relayed from
The Commodore Theatre,
Leader, Frank Thomas
(From Cardiff)
Psalms 27, 28 and 29 Lessons: Ezekiel xxxvii, 1-14 ; John iv ,
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Walmisley in D minor)
Anthem, 0 sing unto the Lord (Purcell) Hymn, Pray that Jerusalem may have
(S.P. 628)
ENID Tait (violin)
(From Birmingham)
(Belfast Programme)
Directed by CHARLES Kunz
Relayed from Casani's Club
The Children's Hour
'Look pleasant, please,' said the Little Princess, by Rene Worley , told by MARY O'FARRELL
' Running Fire' a play by ARTHUR DAVENPORT
THIS PLAY by Arthur Davenport is very apt for the summer, especially for a summer when there has been a drought, and grass is dried up, and a cigarette end or a lighted match may set acres ablaze.
Some children are crossing a moor and they meet a party of careless picnickers. It is quite evident that the fire they have lit is dangerous. Grass smoulders and blazes up. You may even stamp it out and it will blaze up again. The children warn them and are snubbed for their pains.
But it is just as they .thought. A fire starts, and the dried-up moor goes up in a blaze. The picnickers are panic-stricken ; the children keep their heads. One has a pony and dashes off for help. Will he get it in time ? Or are lives to be lost-lives of beasts and birds and even human beings ? It is a thrilling moment. This little play will grip you to the end.
Weather Forecast, First General News Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers
Directed by GUY DAINES
MONA BENSON (mezzo-contralto)
(Scottish Regional Programme)
' The Man frae Inversnecky ' and his COMPANY
Relayed from
The Beach Pavilion, Aberdeen
(Scottish Regional Programme)
THE BEACH PAVILION, Aberdeen, from which a broadcast is to be relayed this evening, is known to almost every listener who has heard of Aberdeen. The building occupies a prominent position on Aberdeen's glorious sea-front which, fortunately, has not yet become congested with hotels, restaurants, and places of entertainment. Harry Gordon is the presiding genius.
It is just over eighteen years since he was engaged at a salary of £2 a week to play minor parts. Eight years later he became proprietor of the Beach Pavilion. He has a repertoire of over 200 original songs, all of which have been presented at the Pavilion for the first time. He manages and produces his shows in addition to undertaking the responsible work of principal comedian. During the season twenty-two entire changes of programmes are made, thereby involving Harry and his company in an enormous amount of very hard work.
The personnel of the Beach Pavilion this year includes Raymond Newell (baritone), Vera Devna . (soprano), Caprice Proud (comedienne), Vine, More and Nevard in happy songs at the piano, the Four John Tiller Girls , Jack Beattie , Jack Holden , and Alice Stephenson. From the broadcast point of view Harry must be complimented on his mastery of microphone technique. It is no easy matter to entertain an unseen audience as well as to keep the visible one in perpetual laughter.
Conductor, B. WALTON
FÉLICIEN DAVID, a French composer who lived from 1810 to 1876, wrote a number of operas which in his day met with considerable success, particularly his La Perle de Brésil, produced in Paris in 1851. Before this David travelled a good deal in the East and had acquired there a great taste for Eastern music. One of his earliest publications was a collection of oriental melodies for piano solo ; thereafter his music was a good deal coloured with an oriental quality, which he used in his operas regardless of what alien atmosphere the text dealt with. For instance, the Pearl of Brazil might just as well have been domiciled in Constantinople or Syria.
ORIGINALLY written as a ballet, The Szvan Lake was not at first a success, although the fresh and melodious music cannot be blamed for that. Tchaikovsky altered it considerably afterwards and in its present form as an orchestral suite it shows him at his best. The Swan in the original ballet was a fair maid who had been enchanted by a wicked magician.
Weather Forecast
Second General News Bulletin
Light French Music
Conducted by the Rev. W. H. ELLIOTT
Relayed from
St. Michael's, Chester Square
Directed by HENRY HALL
Shipping Forecast, on Daventry only, at 23.00 (11.0)