for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
June Jay gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper
Bishop Stephen Bayne talks on ' The Making of a Person '
Regional Variations (5)
Wednesday Review
Today in Northern Ireland
Today in the North
Morning Call: magazine
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
June Jay gives food news
: second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
Regional Variations (2)
R. G. G. PRICE considers that we are all temperamentally Beginners or Enders. He places himself in the former category and describes the start of many experiences whose endings have gone beyond recall.
Harold Child (baritone)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Opening Music:
Schubert's Symphony No. 6
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him (S.P. 624; P.H. 222, both omitting Pt. 2; C.H. 35; D.S. 12: Tune, Austrian Hymn—S.P. 600)
Interlude: St. Francis and the Gospels. 2: The Rich Young Ruler
Prayers; the Prayer of Erasmus; the Lord's Prayer
Father, hear the prayer we offer
(S.P. 487; D.S. 123: P.H. 120: BBC Supplement 11: Tune, Gott will's machen—S.P. 487)
Closing Music:
Handel's Water Music Suite
Previously broadcast last Friday in the Home Service
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Schools: Rhyme and Song
by Rachel Percival
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
For six- to eight-year-olds encouraging them to move to music
Love divine, all loves excelling (BBC
H.B. 328)
New Every Morning, page 76 Psalm 130 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 2, v. 23, to 3, v. 6
Happy are they, they that love God
(BBC H.B. 274)
News Summary at 10.30
Band of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Conducted by Major L. D. Brown , M.B.E. Director of Music
Harry Armstrong finds out where our water comes from
Junior Science series
Regional Variations (2)
Physical Training for Use in Classrooms
How Land Animals Develop
Third of five programmes on reproduction and development by Richard Palmer
General Science series
An outline of the composer's career and work. with extracts from some of his compositions
Script by Rene Elvin
French for Sixth Forms series
Country Ceili from Ardboe, Co. Tyrone
The International Ceili Band
Una O'Callaghan (contralto)
Harry Carson (tenor)
Master of Ceremonies, Jack Sloane
Produced by Sam Denton
Regional Variations (5)
The Farmer: magazine
A Living from the Land
Farming: as North
News for Scottish Farmers: Fishing News
Introduced by Bryan Platt
Quality Pork: David Bellis discusses the porker of today and suggests how the required type of carcass can be produced
Time and Motion In Practice: Two work-study officers who are now farming in Sussex, George Duncan from Pulborough and Reg Morton from Crowhorough, talk about the ways in which their former training has helped their farming
Produced by John Greenslade
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A light-hearted look at the advertising world
Michael Medwin as Michael Lightfoot an account executive
Eleanor Summerfield as Maggie, a TV executive Fenella Fielding as Janet
Secretary to Michael Lightfoot
Joan Sims as Mavis, a shorthand typist Nicholas phipps as Adrian Beales , copywriter Warren Mitchell as most other characters
Script bv
Myles Rudge and Ronnie Wolfe Produced by JOHN SIMMONDS
Recorded broadcast of October 23. 1961, in the Light Programme
Joan Sims broadcast by permission of Andrew Broughton and David Corville
Regional Variations (5)
Schools: Exploring Scotland
Very Much at Home: records
Schools: Today and Yesterday. Buying and Selling: 4
Ar Lin Mam: programme for the younger listeners
harpsichord plays music by Bach on a gramophone record
A Norwegian fairytale adapted for broadcasting by Jean Sutcliffe
A poor lad finds himself the owner of a magic tablecloth, a magic sheep, and a magic stick.
Let's Join In series
Regional Variations (2)
Interlude. Welsh Schools: Talks for Sixth Forms. Interlude
by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE adapted for broadcasting in four parts by Robert Gittings with Judi Dench and David Spenser PART 2
Produced by Sam Langdon
Books, Plays, Poems series
Tony finds out about some of the animals and plants that live in a hedge
Script by Christine Dudley
Nature Study series
The Ostrich
A play for radio by ELIZABETH DAWSON with Oliver Johnston as Joe Braithwaite
Joe Braithwaite , master cabinet-maker, is a craftsman and proud of it. But he is an old man, his business is not prospering, and young Tom, his nephew and partner, could do a lot better with Baxter's Furniture Factory. Cast in order of speaking:
Production by AUDREY CAMERON
Recorded broadcast of Jan. H, 1961
from St. Peter's Parish Church, Belfast
Sentence: Confession; Absolution Preces and Responses (Tallis) Psalms 73 and 74 First Lesson: Genesis 46, vv. 26-34;
47, vv. 1-12
Magnificat (Morley: Faux Bourdons) Second Lesson: Philippians 3
Nunc dimittis (Morley: Faux Bourdons)
Creed: Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Responses (Tallis) Collects
Anthem: St. Patrick's Breastplate
(arr. Melville Cook)
Prayers and Grace God. whose city's sure foundation
(I.C.H. 193)
Organist and Choirmaster, Lister Wood
by Vera Colebrook
This is the story of a remarkable Victorian woman whose ideas were so much in advance of her time that when she published them in a book her family destroyed every copy they could find. But Vera Colebrook found one that had been overlooked and from it, in five instalments, reconstructs the life and experience of her indomitable relative.
This first episode deals with Ellen's childhood and her trials and tribulations at a Seminary for Young Ladies.
A programme for the fives to eights
The Queen's Music
The book by Margaret J. Miller read by Margaret Lyford Pike
6: White in August
A serial play about the Donnelly family by CHARLES WITHERSPOON
4: Surprise Ending
If you have been trying to follow up the clues of the disappearance of stuff from the nylon factory with Brian and Paddy and Ricky Donnelly , you know that they accomplished quite a lot last week during their rather unorthodox visit to the Clifton Manufacturing Company in Belfast. But, even when back at Inishbahn, Paddy refused to rell anyone what they had discovered.
Songs and stories of the American Gold Rush
Introduced by Alexis Korner
5: Alaska and the Yukon
There is more romance attached to the Yukon Territory than to any other gold mining area in the world, with names such as Klondyke River, Chilkoot Pass, and Eldorado Creek, to stir the imagination.
Reader, Guy Kingsley Poynter
Produced by David Lloyd James
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Sport
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
South-Eastern News
6.30 Let the People Sing
The sixth of eight programmes in the South-East regional competition School CHOIRS
City of London School for Girls Conductor, Jarrah Wickham
Guildford County School for Girls Conductor, Pamela Rowland
Trevor Owen Male Voice Choir Conductor, Trevor Owen Bromley and District Male Voice Choir
Conductor, Sidney Smith Programme introduced by John Hobday
Produced by John Fawcett Wilson Choirs taking part are recorded
6.57 London Stock Market Report
Regional Variations (3)
Ulster Farm
Let the People Sing
Quartet in D major played by the Copenhagen String Quartet Tutter Givskov (violin)
Mogens Liidolph (violin) Mogens Bruun (viola)
Asger Lund Christiansen (cello)
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions LONDON v. SCOTLAND
Denis Brogan , Cedric Cliffe
Lionel Hale Scotland:
Sir James Fergusson Jack House
Quiz-Master, Patrick Harvey
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult
Part 1
by Ian Rodger
Mr. Rodger discusses some of the aesthetic disadvantages involved in a change-over to the decimal system.
Part 2
Regional Variations (3)
Pat Dollan Remembers
A Tinkle of Tiny Bells: play by David Campton
Kenneth Cooke , G.M. describes his wartime ordeal at sea to Phil Drabble
Kenneth Cooke , now headkeeper on a Staffordshire Estate, served in the Merchant Navy during the war. In 1943 his ship was torpedoed in the South Atlantic and sank within a few minutes. After several hours in the water he managed eventually to reach a small and already overcrowded raft and he was fifty days on it before being sighted and picked up. He was then one of two still left alive.
The News
Background to the News People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
Mid-Week Sportsreel
The Anti-Burglar Pup by H. M. Raleigh read by Gary Watson
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines. Prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Grieg and Deliu-s
Malcolm Binns (piano)