for farmers
Canon Wilfrid Garlick
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Bishop Stephen Bayne talks on ' The Making of a Person '
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Recordings from the past and the present
DESMOND CARRINGTON is in STUDIO 53 to recall personalities and events from the world of entertainment
Written and compiled by Desmond Carrington
Produced by John Powell
by Alistair Cooke
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh hymn-singing from Wrexham
Antony Hopkins discusses a work or theme of current interest
Songs to sing and music to listen to Introduced by Kay Foster
The wise may bring their learning
(BBC H.B. 370)
New Every Morning, page 68 Psalm 148 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 2, vv. 1-12
Crown him with many crowns (BBC
H.B. 124)
News Summary at 10.30
played by Les Perry and his Players
by William Appleby
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Round and About*. Interval Music
Trades Unions
What are the aims of the Unions and how did the movement grow? How does it affect young people in their first jobs?
Script by Ronald Smurthwaite
Dr. Iriart's dog, Toufou, seems to be making the best of Paris. He tries to be friendly with everybody, including the concierge, but his efforts to please her today end in near disaster.
Listeners are invited to join in the singing of ' 'Revenez' with Jan Rosol , to the accompaniment of his guitar
Script by John Dent Paule-Aline Dent
Intermediate French series
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead
Conductor, George Hurst
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is soldier and writer Colonel A D Wintle. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Schools: Nature Study
On the Light Fantastic Toe First of two programmes about dancing
Script by Sydney Carter
Gordon Reynolds introduces ten minutes of music for six-year-olds
A Blaze of Colour
Second of two programmes by Roger North about developments in the orchestra after Berlioz
Orchestral Concert series
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish Heritage
Making a Bird Table
With Harry's help, the Webb children make a bird table for their garden. Script by Charles E. Stidwill
Alone Across the Atlantic
A passage from Alain Bombard's book ' The Bombard Story ' translated by Brian Connell
The Attorney General by PHILLIP GRENVILLE MANN adapted for broadcasting by Michael Hardwick with Noel Johnson Australia, 1830. A brutal and cold-blooded murder of a coloured man by a young English officer forges a chain of violence and intrigue, and leads to a dramatic fight for justice.
Produced by NORMAN WRICHT Saturday's recorded broadcast
Polonaise No. 1, in C sharp minor played by (piano) on a gramophone record
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Sensible Feeding: The first of two talks by the doctor
Local Lamp-Post: Albert Royds recalls a meeting place
My New Job: May Gribble describes an adventure in retirement
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists: A reading from Robert Tressell 's book by Frank Partington
Presented by John Dunn
The last three items are recorded
A programme for the fives to eights The Adventures of Pinocchio
The story by CARLO COLLODI adapted in thirteen parts by Barbara Sleigh
II: The Land of Coekagne
Pinocchio was on his way to the Land of Cockagne with his friend Candlewick and a company of other boys. They were packed into the coach as tightly as sardines in a tin.
Produced by DAVID DAVIS
Regional Variations (4)
Venture: as Midland
Venture: as Midland
Venture: magazine
Suggestions for your reading from Edward Blishen and Patric Dickinson
The story of told by Philip Cunningham to the music of Delibes on gramophone records
Script by Ursula Roseveare Produced by Peggy Bacon
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
News. Sport
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (4)
News in Welsh
David Findlay and the Olympians Dance Band
Boatmen's Ballads
Interviews with the candidates by Hardiman Scott the BBC's Political Correspondent
Voters in the by-election go to the poll on Wednesday.
A weekly review of what the papers in South-East England are saying
Regional Variations (6)
BBC Scottish Orchestra, conductor. Norman Del Mar; Gareth Morris, flute
Let the People Sing
Let the People Sing
Let the People Sing
Let the People Sing
Mozart and Schubert
Piano music played by Lili Kraus
Regional Variations (2)
From Within: a close-up of six communities. 4: Glyn Ceiriog
A selection of recorded wit, music, and humour
Introduced by Basil Boothroyd of Punch
The company includes:
Piers Stephens , Sheila Hancock and Mitzi McDowell
Ivor Cutler of Y'Hup,
O.M.P. Kenneth nirht. Hilda Kriseman and Peggy Butt Lord Buckley Jean Bloor
Patrick Healy
Dorit Welles and Lewis Stringer
('. Gordon Oilover
The Marcel Mule Saxophone Quartet Michael Spice and Gudrun Ure Charlotte Mitchell
The items include:
Blanket Story
The Face Reader
Don't Listen Girls
The Write-Off
Steep No More Baby Poem
Me and My Kid Brother The Chastity Belt
Better than the Baumgartens
The writers include:
Musical interludes on records chosen by Robert Irwin Edited and produced by John Bridges
Sheila Hancock is in One Over the Eight' at the Duke of York's Theatre, London
Regional Variations (2)
' Highland River': play by Neil M. Gunn
by R. F. DELDERFIELD adapted by Simona Pakenham with Valentine Dyall and Pauline Letts
Narrator. DUNCAN MCINTYRE with members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Produced by NOEL ILIFF
Recorded broadcast of May 30, 1959
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (3)
Calum Cameron, tenor
Christian Concern: 5-Suffering
Sea Dog by B. E. Byne read by Hugh David
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines. Prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Sonata in D minor, for recorder and continuo (Pepusch)
Three dances for bassoon, musette, and harpsichord (Jean Hotteterre)
Variations for three flutes
(Johann-Christoph Faber)
Trio in F major for recorder, viola da gamba, and continuo (Telemann) played by Le groupe des instruments anciens de Paris directed by Roger Cotte on a gramophone record