for farmers
' God so loved the World'
Different women speak to this
Women's World Day of Prayer theme
5 : Jean Coggan
' God so loved the World'
Different women speak to this
Women's World Day of Prayer theme
6: Mary Lusk
Work in the world of science
GERMS BY AIR by R. E. 0. Williams, M.D. Professor of Bacteriology, Wright-Fleming Institute.
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School
How close must you be to someone with a cold to risk catching it; and what about measles or tuberculosis? How rigid must the barriers be to prevent the spread of infection? A great deal of research has gone into the attempt to answer these questions.
Last Thursday's recorded broadcast in Network Three
Just as I am. without one plea
(BBC H.B. 292)
New Every Morning, page 64
Psalm 119, part 2 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 1. w. 32-45
My song is love unknown (BBC
H.B. 84)
News Summary at 10.30
Jack Salisbury and his Orchestra
Conducted by Ernest Ansermet (Glinka)
In the Steppes of Central Asia
Symphony No. 1. in D major
(Classical) (Prokofiev) a recent gramophone record
Reports from Britain and overseas
Introduced by Bill Hartley CROSS ROADS
A special edition before an audience at the City of Birmingham Police Training and Recreational Centre
Answering questions are:
Permanent Under-Secretary to the Ministry of Transport Joseph LOWREY
Technical Editor of The Motor
TONY BROOKS a retired racing driver
Produced by James Pestridge
A shortened version of Friday's recorded broadcast in Network Three
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A sort of radio show written by Eric Merriman with Kenneth Home
Kenneth Williams
Hugh Paddick , Betty Marsden
Bill Pertwee , Jill Day
The Fraser Hayes Four
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader. John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Incidental music by Edwin Braden Produced by Jacques BROWN
Recorded broadcast of November 2. 1961, in the Light Programme
A Holiday Abroad by JOHN BOWEN
Tom Bates is invited to Paris by the parents of his wealthv school-friend, Leon Enface. But is their invitation as generous as it seems?
Production by JOHN Gibson
for children under five
Tim Gudgin introduces today's items which include the fable of ' The Sun and the Wind ' with music by Ann Driver
A new series of six plays about that 'silly little boy' written by Anthony Buckeridge
A selection of your record requests played by Graham Gauld
Postcards should be sent to:
Luck of the Draw, BBC, London, W.I.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies, Charles Crathorn
Produced by Andrew Gold
The dances: La Militaire; Waltz; Tango Sebastian: The Chadwick: Ideal Schottische; Doris Waltz ; Dinkie Onestep
Repeated on Friday at 3.0
Tickets for this programme and for the recording which will follow this transmission (and will be broadcast next Friday) are available on application to [address removed], enclosing stamped addressed envelope.
Introduced by Vic Oliver
The singers
Angela Jenkins Hervey Alan
The George Mitchell Choir
The harpsichord played by Vaida Aveling
The first broadcast of Connell Byrne
Comedy from
Leslie Crowther , Ronnie Barker
This month's comedy guest Arthur Askey
This month's storyteller Fay Compton
Variety Playhouse Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conducted by Vie Oliver Script by Carey Edwards and Leslie Crowther Short story by Robert Rietty Produced by ALASTAIR SCOTT JOHNSTON
The Attorney General by PHILLIP GRENVILLE MANN adapted for broadcasting by Michael Hardwick with Noel Johnson
Cast in order of speaking:
Counsel for the Defence. EAGLE GREY
Other parts played by members of the cast
Variations in F minor played by Ingrid Haebler (piano) on a gramophone record
News of books and their makeis in reviews, quotations and interviews
Paul Jennings on trying to remember what he has read
Introduced by Corbet Woodall
followed by late weather forecast
Beethoven's Violin Sonatas
Sonata in G major, Op. 96 played by Yfrah Neaman (violin)
Howard Ferguson (piano)
Last of ten programmes including Beethoven's complete violin sonatas.