A series of talks for Holy Week
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
A series of talks for Holy Week by the Rt. Rev. Oliver Tomkins
Bishop of Bristol
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Hook-Up: magazine
Second edition
Compiled and read by Anne Wild
Regional Variations (3)
Signpost: East Midlands'
Round-up of events
MICHAEL J. MURPHY , the well-known Irish collector of folklore, talks about the people he meets in his work.
Records including his Harpsichord
Concerto in D played by Sylvia Marlowe
Six talks for Holy Week by the Rev. Stephen Winward
3-The Cross and Character
Praise to the Holiest (BBC H.B. 88) Psalm 130 (Broadcast Psalter)
St. Matthew 26, v. 69, to 27, v. 5
Take up thy cross (BBC H.B. 369)
George Scott-Wood and his Music
Jeremy Sandford talks to some of London's houseboat population
Compiled by Jeremy Sandford
Produced by Alan Hancock
Regional Variations (6)
The Northern Farmer
A Living from the Land
Farming and fishing news
The Northern Farmer
The Farmer
An agricultural weekly
Introduced by John Walker
J 0. GREEN of the Grassland Research Institute, Hurley, gives advice on the growing of lucerne
C V DADD. Regional Crop Husbandry Advisor of the N.A.A.S., Cambridge. discusses the use of herbicides in present day farming'
Produced by John Greenslade
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Patrick Harvey introduces the second of four miscellanies :
' Man and Beast'
Conductor, George Hurst
by Michael Brett
Another chapter in the story of the County Gazette
Produced by David H. Godfrey
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Dramatised for radio by Michael Hardwick
Produced by Martyn C. Webster
from York Minster
The Service includes: Psalms 54 and 56; Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (Byrd); and Anthem: Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Gilbbons-Bairstow)
Organist, Francis A. Jackson , D,MUS.
John SEYMOUR talks about a wandering Afrikaans farmer he met, and the fate of him and his family.
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. Story
Children's Hour. Michael Barton on some curious place names
For Children of Most Ages
' The Empty Paddock '
A story by Judith M. Berrisford told by Gwenyth Petty
5.15 For Older Children
' The Tibbott Conspiracy
A historical adventure play in six parts by Constance Teear
5—' Wanted for Murder '
Production by Ifan 0. Williams
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Easter Faith
Four talks by the Rev. J. Fraser McLuskey , M.C.
2-Why did they do it?
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport
News. sport
News, sport. News in Welsh
News, sport
News, sport
News. Round-up. Sport
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
Regional Variations (3)
Signpost: S.W. Midlands
Scottish Dance Music
Country Ceili
From Castlederg, Co. Tyrone
Old Cross Ceili Band
Songs by Anne Nimmons and Gerard Campbell , guitarist
Master of Ceremonies,
Jack Sloane
Produced by Sam Denton
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions
London v. Scotland
Cedric Cliffe , Hubert Phillips
Lionel Hale : Scotland
Sir James Fergusson , Jack House
Quiz-Master: Gilbert Harding
Arranged by Robert Gladwell
Regional Variations (2)
(2S1 m.) Stay Till Seven: magazine of talk and music
The Passion of Our Lord according to St. Matthew
See top of page
Ursula Vaughan Williams writes on page 2
Part 2 followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines; prayers
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Quintet in C (D.956) played by the Budapest String Quartet:
Josef Roismann (violin)
Alexander Schneider (violin)
Boris Kroyt (viola)
Mischa Schneider (cello) with Casals (cello)
A recording of the performance on May 18, 1959, at the Casals Festival