' Apprentices at Prayer '
Talks by Sir Edward Villiers
2-The substance versus the shadow
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' Apprentices at Prayer '
Talks by Sir Edward Villiers
3-Yes: but is God really love?
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Regional Variations (2)
Hook-Up: magazine
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manlo
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Anne Wild
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost from the East Midlands
'If there was one thing I was sure I didn't want it was a piano in a walnut case.' Philip HOLLAND describes the consequences of being persuaded against his better judgment.
Andrew Gold (tenor)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Gramophone records of the ' Danse Macabre ' and ' Carnival of the Animals'
All ye who seek for sure relief (BBC
H.B. 289)
New Every Morning, page 22
Psalm 119, part 8 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 26. vv. 1-13
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
(BBC H.B. 142)
George Scott-Wood and his Music
BERNARD STONEHOUSE describes his experiences as leader of an ornithological expedition to lonely Ascension Island and illustrates his talk with recordings made on the spot.
Regional Variations (2)
Farming and fishing news
of The President of the French Republic and Madame de Gaulle
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Patrick Harvey introduces the first of four miscellanies1:
' The Way Things Used To Be '
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Bryden Thomson
by Charles Franklin
Production by Frederick Bradnum
A married man staying in an Alpine resort with his wife is persuaded to go on a climb up a mountain with a scheming woman; but once he has started out he realises he has been asked to go for an unusual reason.
A new play for radio by Richard Townshend Bickera
Cast in order of speaking:
Production by Audrey Cameron
Squadron-Leader Brent, a Regular Officer in the R.A.F., has spent many years devoted to sport and is a member of the R.A.F. Pentathlon Team. Training for this demands discipline and expert knowledge of shooting, riding, and exercise in general. As a result, he is seconded to Intelligence duties.
Introduced by Monsignor Gordon Wheeler
In the services of Holy Week the Church lives again through the story of the Sufferings, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord. PALM SUNDAY: Pueri Hebraeorum
(Victoria): Christus vincit (Plainsong)
MAUNDY THURSDAY: Lamentation of Jeremias (Tallis): In monte Oliveti (Rubbra): Christus factus est (Anerio): Ubi caritas et amor (Plainsong): Pange lingua (Plainsong)
GOOD FRIDAY: Tenebrae factae sunt
(Victoria): Passion according to St. John (Plainsong and Byrd): Ecce lignum crucis (Plainsong): The Reproaches (Palestrina)
HOLY SATURDAY: 0 vos omnes
(Victoria): Lumen Christi (Plamsong): Exultet (Plainsong): Sicut cervus (Palestrina) : Alleluia (Plainsong)
EASTER DAY: Et valde mane (Plainsong): Haec dies (Byrd)
Westminster Cathedral Choir
Master of Music, Francis Cameron
by Eustace Pett
A great water tank to be washed out, a restaurant to be spied on through the skylight: eighty years after, Mr. Pett remembers the roof of his house with enthusiasm.
Willie Joss reads a story
' Tammy Troot's Homework ' by Lavinia Derwent
See Junior Radio Times
5.15 For Older Children
' The Tibbott Conspiracy *
A historical adventure play in six parts by Constance Teear
4-' The Adder Strikes '
Other parts: leuan Rhys Williams and Norman Wynne
Production by Ifan O. Williams
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Easter Faith
Four talks by the Rev. J. Fraser McLuskey , M.C.
I-Christian Courage
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up of events
Association Football: Wales v. Ireland, from Wrexham
News, sport
News, sport
News, sport
Local news and London Stock Market report
Regional Variations (2)
The Dancing English
Regional Variations (2)
Scottish Dance Music: played by Andrew Rankine and his Scottish Dance Band
visits Blakedown, Worcestershire for folk songs and dances with Tom Woodward
Michael Vaughan , John Chapman
The Gloster Square Dance Band
Guest caller, Nibs Matthews
Programme arranged and introduced by Kenneth Clark
Regional Variations (6)
Let the People Sing: contest
As North
Birds and Beasts of Legend: discussion between Henry Douglas Home and Edward A. Armstrong; chairman, George Waterston
That Reminds Me: R. H. Mottram, novelist, discusses his career and chooses some records
Ymryson y Beirdd: competition between bards of the Welsh counties
Eva Turner recalls, with records, her long career as an operatic soprano
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions
London v. Scotland
Round 4
Cedric Cliffe , Hubert Phillips
Lionel Hale Scotland :
Sir James Fergusson , Jack House
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
Arranged by Robert Gladwell
(Led by Arthur Leavins )
Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent
Anglo-French Programme
The Rt. Hon.
Harold Wilson, O.B.E., M.P.
For the Opposition
Two Songs Without Words
Op. 19 No. 1, in E Op. 62 No. 1, in G
Sevilla; Rumores de la Caleta.Albeniz
A magazine about Britain at work
George Scott calls up studios at home and overseas; he interviews people in industry, from boardroom to shop floor, to enquire into current issues that affect your prosperity, now and in the future.
Edited in the BBC's Manchester studios
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic Songs: Margaret MacGilp, soprano
A programme of news and comment on recent events in the field of science and technology
Introduced by Archie Clow
Tomorrow, April 7, is World Health Day; the theme chosen for 1960 being 'Malaria Eradication-a World Challenge.' This edition of Science Review includes comments on the magnitude of the problem caused by a disease that still incapacitates millions of human beings.
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines: prayers
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Quintet in C, Op. 29 played by the Macgibbon String Quartet:
Margot Macgibbon (violin)
Lorraine du Val (violin)
Anatole Mines (viola) Lilly Phillips (cello) with Jean Stewart (viola)
Next Wednesday: Schubert's Quintet in C (D. 956) played by the Budapest String Quartet; Pablo Casals (cello)