for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
' The Coming of Christ'
The Rev. Leslie Timmins talks about its various meanings
4: A Day of Salvation
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost, from Cheltenham
by Colin Jackson
Mr. Jackson describes a quiet weekend spent in this Asian fortress of the world's oldest empire, protected from ' any hostile act by sea on the part of the 650 millions of China by one, very obviously antique, sloop.'
by Joan Baker
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I by Rachel Percival
Tuesday's recorded broadcast
Thy kingdom come. 0 God (BBC
H.B. 27)
New Every Morning, page 61
Psalm 145, vv. 1-13
Isaiah 42, vv. 1-9
Spread. 0 spread, thou mighty word (BBC H.B. 182)
News Summary at 10.30
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
RHYTHM AND MELODY by Gladys Whitred
Script by Harry Willetts
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN ' Schillers Flucht aus Stuttgart'
Sie horen von den Ereignissen, die zu der Flucht des grossen deutschen Dichters nach Mannheim ftihrten
Manuskript von Rolf Richards
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Leader. J. Mouland Begbie
Conducted by James Lockhart
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
At the Luscombes
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions
Wednesday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (4)
The Week Ahead
What's on? Coming events
I Ysgolion Cymru
Read by Marie Lohr
Arranged for broadcasting in six episodes by Mollie Greenhalgh
Produced by Audrey Cameron CHAPTER 3
Chapter 2 described Ellen Terry's lecture tours in Australia and New Zealand where, despite a troublesome heart condition, she enjoyed considerable success. In 1914, however, the outbreak of war put an end to her plan for a world tour, and she came home. An operation for a cataract gave her failing eyesight a new hope. She began a second family life with her grandchildren, Nelly and Teddy, and took as much pleasure in them as she had done in her own children.
' Gawain and the Green Knight' from the Middle English poem. Parti Script by Margaret J. Miller
Germs and Men
11: Chemicals to destroy germs Script by Gilbert Phelps
The Spanish Marriage Script by Jo Manton
Regional Variations (3)
Sandy Calling: requests. Sandv Macpherson. theatre organ
One Good Turn: records
Jack Byfield and the Palm Court Orchestra Led by David Wolfsthal
Visiting artist, Harold Gray
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Records from the Latin-American countries
Chosen by Nigel Hunter
Introduced by Roy Williamson
A programme for the fives to eights The (ireat Toytowa War A Toytown play by S. G. Hulme Beaman
Produced by Claire Chovil
Martin Cooper introduces a programme for young musicians
This month's guests broadcasting for the first time:
From Manchester
Brass Band of the Skelmersdale County Secondary School, Lanes. Conductor, William Lyon
From Bangor Choir of Colwyn Bay Grammar School Conductor, Robert Williams
From London
John Gale (piano)
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market report. News in Welsh
News. Round-up of events
News. Stock Market report
News, sport
South-Eastern News
6.30 Town and Country Comment, controversy and character for listeners in London and the counties of the South-East
6.57 London Stock Market Report
Regional Variations (5)
Farm Forum
As North
Musical Merry-Go-Round
BBC West of England Players, directed by Peter Martin
Overture: Manfred
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor,
Sir Thomas Beecham, Bt., c.H .
Introduction and Allegro appassionato, for piano and orchestra Sviatoslav Richter (piano)
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Stanislaw Wislocki on gramophone records
Regional Variations (2)
Tonypandy 1910: an evocation of the Rhondda riots
The Bitter Truth by CECILY FINN and JOAN O'CONNOR with David March , Marjorie Westbury Sheila Manahan , Hilda Schroder
Cast in order of speaking
Other parts played, by members of the cast
Production by Audrey Cameron
The love-duet from Act 1 of Puccini's opera with the Orchestra of La Scala. Milan
Conducted by Victor de Sabata on gramophone records
A monthly programme in which radio is used to link speakers in London and other world centres to exchange views on important issues of common interest
Chairman in London
Robert McKenzie
Regional Variations (4)
Birmingham Wind Ensemble; William Fellowes. piano
BBC N. Ireland Light Orchestra; Margaret Smyth, soprano
Gaelic magazine
Music from Switzerland, Bavaria, and Austria on gramophone records
Introduced by Hilde Breitkreua
The News and Comment from at home and abroad
Regional Variations (3)
Greenock I.B.M. Pipe Band: Pipe-Major J. Pettigrew
Warrenpoint Girls' Choir
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines: prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Peter Wallfisch (piano)