for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
' The Coming of Christ'
The Rev. Leslie Timmins talks about its various meanings
2: A Day of Drama
followed by an interlude
At the name of Jesus (BBC Supplement 6: S.P. 392. omitting vv. 3, 6. 7: C.H. 178. omitting v. 6: Tune, Evelyns)
Interlude: The feeding of the multitude
Prayers: the Prayer of Thanks-giving; the Lord's Prayer
From thee all skill and science flow
(BBC Supplement 24; S.P. 286; C.H. 361: Tune, Belmont)
The Robin Richmond Trio
BBC Concert Orchestra Leader. William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausiky
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Ralph Wightman Dr. J. Bronowski
Lady Barnett
William Connor ('Cassandra')
Travelling Question-Master, Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Michael Bowen From the Memorial Hall, Tatworth, Somerset
Recording of last Friday's broadcast in the Light Programme followed by an interlude
"Aslaug and the Harp": story from an Icelandic saga re-told by Aslaug Boucher
"The Little Ark" a story by Jan de Hartog, adapted by Christopher Saltmarshe. Part 3
11: The Night Sky. Script by F. R. Elwell.
Joseph Ward (baritone) Edward Rubach (piano)
The London Studio Players Conducted by Jean Pougnet
Alison Settle and Audrey Withers
Mrs. Settle is a former editor of Vogue and Miss Withers is now editorial director. In this conversation they consider some of the changes they have seen in thirty years of fashion journalism.
played by Adela Kotowska
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by Father Jim Wilson
Listeners' letters are very welcome as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hihherd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.I. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
introduced by Alec Robertson
Hurwitz Chamber Ensemble
Director and solo violin, Emanuel Hurwitz
Richard Adeney (flute)
Charles Spinks (harpsichord)
Before an invited audience in the Goldsmiths' Hall, London, by courtesy of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and in collaboration with the City Music Society
The News and Comment from at home and abroad
Octet in E flat played by the Vienna Octet on a gramophone record