'Christ Alive! '
Talks by Father Michael, s.s.F.
2—'Dead and Alive! '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' Christ Alive! '
Talks by Father Michael, S.S.F.
3—' Alive in His People'
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Anne Wild
by Margerie Few
Gramophone records of the Serenade Melancolique and the Serenade for Strings
Come, ye failhful, raise the strain
(BBC H.B. 102)
New Every Morning, page 93 Psalm 100 Colossians 3. vv. 1-17 ,
Away with gloom, away with doubt
(BBC H.B. 99)
played by Sidney Davey and his Players
Paul Martin invites you to join him
In listening to songs and tunes collected from all over the world
Produced by Harold Rogers
A London Story
Written and told by Marjory Todd
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Patrick Harvey introduces the third of four miscellanies:
' Living in London '
(Leader. Reginald Stead )
Conductor, George Hurst
John Clegg (piano)
by Cicely Finn and Joan O'Connor
Produced by Frederick Bradnum
In Berridge's Lingerie Department Myrtle makes a mistake with the order* 1
by J. Maclaren-Ross
Produced by R D. Smith
An analyst finds at an unexpected private consultation that his patient reveala much more than any analyst or audience would think possible.
from York Minster
Responses (Tallis) Psalm 104
First Lesson: Song of Solomon 2, vr.
Magnificat (Bairstow in G)
Second Lesson: Revelation 7, vv. 9-17 Nunc dimittis (Bairstow in G) Creed; Lesser Litany; Collects
Blessed be the God and Father (S. S.
Prayers: The Grace
Organist, Francis A. Jackson, D.MUS.
' We'd just spent a perfect tropical evening. Outside the palms waved gently against a quiet sky and the night was warm and still. Then up the steps came
Rogers and we learned there were demons about.' E. J. EDWARDS describes some inexplicable happenings in the Samoan Islands.
For Children of Most Ages
Five Day Special
* Dangerous Assignment *
A serial play written by Geoffrey Morgan which you guide to its conclusion
3—' High Peril'
Produced by Graham Gauld
5.15 For Older Children
' The Tibbott Conspiracy
A historical adventure play
In six parts by Constance Teear
6-' Nightmare at Brockwood '
Production by Ifan 0. Williams
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Easter Faith
Four talks by the Rev. J. Fraser McLuskey M.C.
3-Can we be sure?
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
(Fourth Year)
A weekly contest between 143 choirs from all over the United Kingdom
The first of ten programmes in the national competition
Ford Male Voice Choir
Conductor, Ronald Hart
Harlandic Male Voice Choir Conductor, Adam Donaghy
Kelvin Secondary School Choir
Conductor, Alex McNeilly
Stobswell Girls' Junior
Secondary School, Dundee
Conductor. Anne S. W. Robertson
The Shelley Singers
Conductor, Eiddwen Griffiths
Stoke on Trent Bedford Singers
Conductor, May Walley
Introduced by Leslie Regan
Produced by Charles Beardsall
BBC Scottish Orchestra (Leader. J. Mouland Begble )
Conducted by Norman Del Mar
Ilse Wolf (soprano)
1-The Making of a Film
An eye-witness account of the making of ' Peeping Tom '
Those taking part include:
ANNA MASSEY , CARL BOEHM with members of the technical staff the writer, LEO MARKS and the producer and director,
Michael Powell recorded at Pinewood Studios
Written and narrated by Rene Cutforth
Produced by Francis Dillon
Presented by Mark Lubbock
The cast includes; with the Vienna State Opera Chorus and Vienna Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rudolf Moralt on gramophone recorda
Piano Trio in B flat, Op. 21 played by the London Alpha Trio:
Henriette Canter (violin)
Regina Schein (cello) Natalia Karp (piano)