A reading for Sunday morning from the first chapter of ' Flame in the Mind by G. L. Phillips the book recommended for Lent by the Bishop of London Reader. Norman Mitchell
Forecast for land areas
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader. James Huteheon )
Conductor, Gerald Gentry
Forecast for land areas
by Conrad Eden
From Durham Cathedral
Regional Variations (2)
Service from Newlands (South) Church. Glasgow: the Rev. James Munn.
From Lee Abbey. Lynton, North Devon, conducted by the Chaplain, the Rev. Jack C. Winslow. Preacher, the Warden, the Rev. Geoffrey J. Rogers
0 worship the King (A. and M. 167) Versicles and Responses Psalm 104. w. 24-end
Lesson: 2 Corinthians 5, w. 14-end Benedicite
Lesser Litany; the Lord's Prayer Versicles and Responses; Collects
Love Divine, all loves excelling (A. and M. 520)
Breathe on me. Breath of God (A. and M. 671)
Accompanist, Phyllis Sutton
Regional Variations (2)
Lilian Niblette (piano): Chopin.
Six reminiscent talks by The Earl of Lytton, O.B.E.
2— 'The Lion and the Unicorn '
This talk is about camp and station life in the deserts of Northern Kenya, where Lord Lytton served as a young man of twenty-two. The lion was a very little lion, and the unicorn was not a unicorn. This is pardonable since the talk is really concerned with human beings; those, fierce and gentle, white and black, who lived and worked in the desert outposts, keeping-with some difficulty -the King's Peace.
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh record requests.
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Record Review
Contributed by Joan Chissell Donald Mitchell and Harold Rosenthal
A request programme of records including this week:
Serenade No. 6. in D (Serenata
Notturna) (Mozart)
Cantata No 82. Teh habe genug
(Bach): sung by Dietrich Fischer -Dieskau (baritone), with the Kar] Ristenpart Chamber Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Diary. Interlude.
3-Der Rattenfiinger von Hamcln
Script by Arthur Shepherd
Produced by W R. H. Carling
When passing through Hamelin, Teresa and her father make the acquaintance of Herr Schalk, who has the leading part in the annual pageant of the Pied Piper.
Die Konditorei, cake-shop, patisserie; die Kremschnitte, cream slice; die Nusslorte (a kind of tart with nuts); die Hochzeit, wedding; heiraten, to marry
(someone); (haben Sie) keine Angst! don't worry!; die Hauptrolle spielen, to play the lead; uberall, everywhere; die Pfeife, pipe; die Hilfe, help; einverstanden! agreed!; leider, unfortunately.
Sie sind sehr liebenswiirdig, it's very kind of you; seit zehn Minuten warte ich auf Sie, I've been waiting for you for ten minutes; sie toten kleine Kinder in der Wiege, they kill little children in their cradles; ich verliere meinen Posten als Burgermeister, I shall lose my job as Mayor.
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the news, its background, and the people who make it.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
The people of this market town, which this year celebrates the seven-hundredth anniversary of the granting of its Charter, talk with Robert Reid about themselves and their town Produced by Richard Maddock (BBC recording)
Regional Variations (3)
The West at Westminster.
Midland Mirror.
Recollections of student days in Dresden, presented, with gramophone records, by Mark Lubbock
Regional Variations (5)
The Scottish Garden.
Gardeners' Question Time.
Out in the Garden: Growing shrubs from seed.
As North
A gardening weekly
Introduced by Roy Hay
R. Barrington Brock talks about grapes and wine making
H. F. Newsom deals with the propagation of dahlias „
Fred Streeter outlines the week's work
Introduced and conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent
Elise Cserfalvi (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Paul Beard)
Before an invited audience in the BBC Studios, Maida Vale, London
Arthur Calder-Marshall
This week Mr. Calder-Marshall talks about three recently published novels, 'The Radiance of the King' by Camara Laye, 'Kampong' by Ronald Hardy, 'The Clap of Silent Thunder' by Peter de Polnay.
Regional Variations (2)
Wynebu Bywyd: Welsh discussion.
by Fedor Dostoevsky
Translated by Elisaveta Fen
Produced by Wilfrid Grantham
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. Lives of Famous Northerners: John Metcalf; . with Wilfred Pickles.
As North
For Older Children
'Men of Letters'
A series of six plays written by Howard Jones 5George Borrowwith Robert Eddison as George Borrow and John Gabriel as Roger Kerrison
Other parts played by Wilfred Babbage , Glyn Dearman
Janet Morrison , Alan Reid
Gerik Schjelderup , Gillian Webb and Geoffrey Wincott
Production by Eve Burgess
Regional Variations (2)
Your Money. Small Beginnings: talk by Norman Agnew, Ph.D.
Those Cost of Living Figures-3 by Edward Leader
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Skipton Music Club: The Hirsch String Quartet.
Vilem Tausky
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader. William Armon )
Owen Brannigan (bass-baritone)
Joan Trimble and Valerie Trimble
(two pianos) and The Linden Singers
Conductor, William Llewellyn invite you to listen to a programme of music for the early evening
Conducted by Philip Hope - Wallace
Book: Margaret Lane
Art: Stephen Bone
Film: Edgar Anstey Theatre: Ivor Brown
Radio: Frank Tilsley
Regional Variations (5)
Service from St. John's Roman Catholic Church. Wigan, Lancashire: Father James Rigby. Preacher. Father John Campbell, D.D.
Service from the Assembly Halls, Edinburgh
Service from Buckland Newton Congregational Church. Dorset: the Rev. A. M. Chirgwin, D.D.
Service from the Church of St. Matthew the Evangelist, Rugby: the Rev. E. Liddell Paine.
from St. George's Presbyterian Church of England, Palmers Green, London; conducted by the Minister, the Rev. D. Holt Roberts
Preacher, the Rt. Rev. - K. D. Keay, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of England
Sentences of Scripture Prayer of Invocation
Immortal. invisible. God only wise
(Revised Church Hymnary 12)
Prayer and the Lord's Prayer
First Lesson: Isaiah 55, vv. 6-13 Metrical Psalm (R.C.H. 747)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 17. vv. 11-19 Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Come down, 0 Love Divine (R.C.H.
Now thank we all our God (R.C.H. 29) Benediction
Organist, C. E. Strange
Appeal on behalf of the Children's Aid Society, by Denzil Batchelor
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to[address removed]
The Children's Aid Society, Incorporated by Royal Charter, has just celebrated the hundredth year of its work for children and young people deprived of the joys and advantages of a normal home life. It maintains homes for children of various ages and also places children in foster homes, while others are found permanent homes by adoption, for it is a registered Adoption Society. The unmarried mother and her baby are also helped by the Society through its own special maternity home
by Sir Walter Scott
Adapted as a serial for broadcasting by John Keir Cross
8'The Sea Captain '
Produced by James Crampsey
At last young Darsie Latimer has learned from his mysterious * protector,' the Laird of the Solway Lochs-alias Mr. Herries of Birrenswork, the attainted Jacobite, alias Redgauntlet-that he himself is of that last-named family and bears on his forehead the horseshoe mark that distinguishes all the male members of the family.
In company with Lilians, the girl in the green mantle, and in custody of the villainous Cristal Nixon, he is forced by Redgauntlet to ride off to a destination unknown to him and with an iron mask upon his face.
Meanwhile his friend, Alan Fairford, hearing of the kidnapping, has left Edinburgh to hurry to Latimer's rescue, pursued by his first law-client, Poor Peter Peebles. In Dumfries Alan learns some of the historical background to his friend's mysterious predicament. From Mi. Maxwell of Summertrees he carries a message to Redgauntlet at Tom Trumbull's Inn at Annan.
Gerhard Hirsch (baritone) Geoffrey Parsons (piano)
Gebet (Prayer)
Auf ein altes Bild (On gazing at an old picture)
In der Fruhe (In the early morning)
Schlafendes Jesuskind (Child Jesus, sleeping)
Denk es, O Seele (Think, my sou!)
Gesang Weylas (Weylas song)
Der Gartner (The gardener)
Im Fruhling (In spring)
Regional Variations (2)
603 Squadron of the R.A.A.F. lays up its s: edited version he service at St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh. The Epilogue.
Antony Hopkins
' The Kingdom of God'
Jeremiah 9, vv. 12-16 and 23-24 Psalm 33, vv. 11-21 (Broadcast psalter)
St. 7-11 Matthew 6, vv. 19-34. and 7, vv.
All my hope on God is founded (BBC
H.B. 299)
Romans 14, v. 17
late weather forecast for land areas